2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
The episode of the Wedding Feast at Cana emphasizes the intercessory power of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy, who with her unfailing supplication came to the aid of the troubled spouses who had run out of an indispensable component of a wedding feast: wine.
The Blessed Virgin appears in this passage to be admirably associated with the work of Redemption. Indeed, in performing His first great sign, Jesus manifested His glory and “His disciples believed in Him” (Jn 2:11), but it was all done thanks to Mary’s mediation.
Symbolism of the wine obtained through Mary’s mediation
The story narrated is both real and symbolic. The lack of wine signifies the scarcity of faith, which in Messianic times was reduced to a dying flame. Our Lord, however, came into the world to give new vigour to the smouldering wick, thus fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy from the first reading (cf. Is 62:1-5). He would not rest until the brilliance of faith had reappeared among the elect like a lamp.
Therefore, by transforming the water of purification into the best wine in history, Jesus was announcing that He would make of contrite and humiliated hearts a just and holy people, which would form the Holy Catholic Church. But this prodigy would be performed through the intercession of her who in the Apocalypse appears clothed in the sun (cf. Rv 12:1), representing both the regal and unsurpassable glory that is hers as Queen of Heaven, and the splendour of her certainty of the Resurrection, manifested at the foot of the Cross.
It had to be She, pervaded by faith, who interceded for unbelievers. And with what success! The wine that was missing became so abundant and of such quality that it could delight the palates of a multitude of blessed people, also described in the Book of Revelation (cf. Rv 7:9). Our Lady therefore appears in this Gospel as the Mother of this flame that Jesus came to kindle: “I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!” (Lk 12:49).
Mary can also intervene in our times
In our time, humanity is plagued by an unprecedented crisis: religion is neglected, abandoned and persecuted more than ever. The need is urgent for a decisive intervention of Our Lady, to whom Jesus can refuse nothing.
As in Cana of Galilee, the miracle will be performed with the water destined for purification, that is, the hearts of those who fear God and hope for their salvation. Let us try to be counted among those elect who, in the midst of the stampede towards the abyss, remain faithful in the certainty of victory and, although they are aware of their limitations and shortcomings, trust in God’s mercy, which is capable of changing them completely.
They will be the object of Mary’s compassionate kindness, who will plead for them with her Divine Son; then the miracle of history’s most impressive transformation will take place in them. In this sense, Cana becomes not only a highly symbolic miracle, but also a prophecy that heralds a future full of hope. In the true devotees of Our Lady, the Trinity will find its delight, and in them the prediction of Isaiah will be fulfilled: “As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you” (62:5). ◊