Story for Children

Tears of Farewell

The Jewish Passover was nigh. The Messiah was at the table with eleven of His disciples; Judas had already taken his leave. The Mother...

A Donkey… for Real!

“Whew! Good thing the war is over! I suffered a lot, more than the horses of the cavalry unit. I had to lug litres...

When the Holy Spirit Acts…

The bags were finally packed and ready. Teresa and her mother were finalizing the preparations for her father’s trip. As the couple’s only child,...

The Garden of the Blessed Virgin

One day, a lady named Genevieve went strolling through the queen’s flower gardens. Observing the flowers that grew there she found a harmonious variety:...

It Doesn’t Pay to Be Grumpy

In a small village, José was preparing for another day of hard work at the market. His sons, Gabriel and Marcos, aged seven and...

Miracles… Do Happen!

Two old friends sat in a large open window, talking, reading their newspapers and enjoying the last rays of the afternoon sun: “Hey, Jacques, did...

Memorable Symbol of a Viscount’s Patience

With one last embrace she tore herself away from all her loved ones. The girl was entering the Conceptionist monastery of the city to...

A Balloon Trip

“Boo hoo! Being a rather noisy lad, Albert's voice usually echoed throughout the house, whether he was laughing or crying. Although only six years...

A Rosary for the Queen

“Ding, dong! Ding, dong!” chimed the bells of the old convent. Quickly and quietly, the nuns filed into the large chapter hall, where Mother...

The Gleam of the Firefly

The bright daytime sky that seemed gilded with purest gold, gradually became streaked with rose and then orange tones. As twilight set, in the...

A Lesson from a Paintbrush?

Grey skies, constant rain, and bone-chilling wind! Not being able to play outside, and tired of staring out the window, Robinson began wandering endlessly...

A Tower Touching Heaven

A man was seated with his elbows on his knees and his chin propped on his hand. It was a fairly common pose, generally...