
A New or an Old Church?

After millennia under the yoke of original sin, humanity longed for renewal. Through a New Eve, Mary Most Holy, Jesus the Redeemer of the...


At the dawn of His public life, Jesus proclaimed: “The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe...

Who Is Like Unto the Spouse of the Holy Spirit?

Many theologians have pored over the subject of Our Lady, others over that of the Holy Spirit. However, very few have ventured to study...

A Living Light

Sacred Scripture abounds with uplifting accounts of holy women, such as Hannah, the persevering mother of Samuel; Elizabeth, the faithful mother of John the...

St. Joseph’s “Magnificat”

God arranged everything with “measure and number and weight” (Wis 11:20). As the pinnacle of His work, He created man in His own image,...

To Be Threatened or to Threaten?

Much has been said recently about the threats of every kind surrounding the barque of the Holy Church in the increasingly tempestuous waters of...

Masterpiece and “masterpieces”

Sacred Scriptures tell us that there is a “book of life” (Phil 4:3; Rev 13:8; 17:8; 20:15; 21:27) that lists not only the blessed...

The Immaculate, the Sword and War

In days of global instability, the setting for two momentous wars, anger tends to flare and fear to spread. It is natural, in these...

Beyond Death, Beyond the Heavens

As much as one may wish to escape the implacable reality of death, there is a deep certainty within us that we are all...

The Great Little Way

Representations of St. Therese of the Child Jesus are often steeped in sentimentality: a languid look, an affected posture and syrupy expressions… However, we...