Lives of the Saints

St. Veronica Giuliani – The Passion of Christ in Veronica

In the centre of the Italian peninsula lies the town of Mercatello, the birthplace of Ursula, seventh and last daughter of Francesco Giuliani and...

St. Otto of Bamberg – From Lucifer’s Chancellor to Christ’s Ambassador

Never in history has there been a more skilful lawyer than Our Lord Jesus Christ. Among the utterances of the Divine Master, some seem...

St. Gregory VII – The Pope Who Overcame the World

A unique scene was unfolding in the fortress of Canossa, in the north of the Italian Peninsula. Three days had passed since a miserable...

St. Peter of Verona – “Tower of Integrity and Fortitude, Paladin of the Faith”

It was the 13th century and the noble Lady was ill; pestilential worms were proliferating inside her and threatening to take over her entire...

The Martyrdom of St. Jean de Brébeuf

His was a life dedicated to evangelization and crowned with a glorious martyrdom. He is an example for Catholics of all times.   The evangelizing epic...

Blessed Maria Concepción Cabrera de Armida – The Cross and Love Embrace

The extravagant Queen Christina of Sweden liked to apply the following maxim to herself: “There are people for whom everything is permitted and nothing...

Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora – Seer of the Tribulations of the Church

“Wretched city, ungrateful people! The justice of God will punish you!” “It seemed to me, therefore, that I saw the whole world in disorder,...

St. Francis de Sales – To Love God Without Measure

When the twenty-six-year-old priest set off for the province of Chablais – a region now divided between France and Switzerland – perhaps not even...

Venerable Francisco de Paula Tarín – A Tireless Apostle of Rural Spain

In the first decades of the 19th century, Spain faced a strong anti-clerical movement, which instilled in souls doubts and prejudices about the Catholic...

St. Leonard of Port Maurice – “To die with sword in hand against hell”

The sacred edifice was packed to hear that great preacher. Clothed in the brown tunic of the sons of St. Francis, few knew that...

Servant of God Julio Maria de Lombaerde – A Fiery Missionary in Brazil

Belgium, September 25, 1912. From the river port of Antwerp, on the banks of the Scheldt, the steamship Krefeld sets sail for the icy...

Blessed Camillus Costanzo – The Angel of the Rising Sun

The wood crackled and gradually the flames rose. For a moment, everything seemed to indicate that the supreme sacrifice was over and the victim...