“Ding, dong! Ding, dong!” chimed the bells of the old convent. Quickly and quietly, the nuns filed into the large chapter hall, where Mother Louise was waiting to speak with them.
“My daughters, the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin is coming, and it would seem appropriate to adorn Her statue with a pearl Rosary. Do all agree?”
“It is an excellent idea!” Exclaimed the sisters in one accord.
“But in order to make this possible, we need donations. How shall we go about it?”
The religious exchanged glances… They had left the world far behind them and did not know whom they could ask. Finally, Sister Rose spoke:
“Reverend Mother, my sister works in a jewellery shop. She once told me that natural pearls are very difficult to find, and that nowadays the price is very high…”
“Even if we sold everything in the convent, it would not be enough!” pondered Sister Priscila.
“Have faith, sister!” piped in Sister Clare. “Mother, may I make a suggestion?”
Mother Louise assented.
“I propose that we start a novena to the Holy Angels. I am sure that they will help us.”
The nuns received the suggestion with cheers, so Mother Louise said:
“Very well! Let’s go to the chapel to begin the novena, since there are only a few days until the solemnity. If we manage, it will be a true miracle!”
While the nuns had been talking, the Angels of Heaven rejoiced, eager to spring into action. They communicated among themselves by illumination:
“They have invoked us at last! It was I who drew the pearls from the sea. Now that they have asked us, I will see to it that they receive them,” revealed St. Gabriel.
“You will simply give them all at once?” asked St. Raphael. “But then how shall we shower these nuns with merits?”
St. Michael laid out a plan.
“They can earn them with each virtue or sacrifice that they practise. In so doing they will make strides towards holiness, glorify God and obtain their goal.”
The three swiftly descended from the heights to place the pearls in earthly hideaways.
Back at the convent, as soon as the prayer was ended, all the nuns returned to their daily duties.
Sister Teresa went to sweep the courtyard. “Goodness! The wind seems to have dropped every dried leaf in the vicinity right here!” Noticing that there was little time left, she decided to ask for help, practising an act of humility by acknowledging that her own efforts were insufficient.
Sister Rose had a terrible headache and she was heading to her cell for a few minutes of rest. Halfway there, she met up with Sister Teresa who asked for her help. Sister Rose really was in no condition to work outdoors, but she hid her pain, and cheerfully went to lend her sister a hand.
As they toiled, they spoke on spiritual topics. Suddenly, on the clean paving stones, now free of twigs and dead leaves, they saw three milky white pearls. They ran to show them to Mother Superior, realizing it was a clear sign of angelic action! They eagerly stored them in a little box, with rising hopes that they would meet their goal.
Similar episodes played out over the rest of the week. Everyone in the convent redoubled their prayers.
One day, dinner burned and Sister Clare was on dish duty. She scrubbed away at the pot, but the bottom remained as black as carbon. Then she noticed that several others were in same state… Not wanting to bother the sisters, she intensified her solitary effort.
Some time later, Sister Matilda entered the kitchen to fetch a water pitcher, and she saw Sister Clare working valiantly all by herself. Without a moment’s hesitation, she rushed to her aid. As they finished polishing the last pan, a few pearls rolled out from under the dish cloth!
Later on, Sister Matilda went to get a head start with her task of preparing the candles for the Solemnity of Our Lady. She wanted to give them a special decorative touch, but not having much experience, she went to seek the advice of Sister Susanna and Sister Marie who were true artists. Unfortunately, these two showed a touch of moodiness and claimed that they had no time to help… the Angels had hidden more pearls in the sacristy, in the hopes that these nuns would practise an act of generosity. With the refusal of Sister Susanna and Sister Marie, the reward was withheld…
In the meantime, Sister Magdalen and Sister Anne went to arrange the flowers in the chapel. One of the vases, a little top-heavy with blooms, tipped over and broke. Quickly, Sister Anne picked up the pieces and blamed herself for the accident. Sister Magdalen also said she was sorry, and as soon as she could, she went to humble herself before the superior for the mishap, clearing her sister from blame. Mother Louise told her that she should be more careful in the future, but deep down she was edified with the virtuous conduct of her subordinate. Thanks to the merits of these three good religious, as the superior rose from her chair, a little pouch slid to the floor crammed with pearls. Stupefied at the miracle, the nuns gave thanks to the Blessed Virgin and then prayed to the Angels to continue aiding them.
Day after day, the nuns collected pearls that appeared at the most surprising moments. The little box was slowly filling up.
On the morning before the solemnity, the community was gathered once again in the chapter hall, and Mother Louise made an announcement:
“My daughters, each one is a witness to the miracle that occurred this week. The Holy Angels have sent us 164 pears; however, we are still missing five to complete the Rosary.”
“This week we were all so busy,” observed Sister Rose. “But everyone made the effort to help the others whenever needed. And that seems to be how each of the pearls appeared!”
“That is true,” said the superior. “I noticed many special efforts to practise virtue, and how they were rewarded with these favours. But what is still lacking on our part? Perhaps we need to do an examination of conscience.”
Remembering their bad attitude, Sister Susanna and Sister Marie fell to their knees, acknowledging their failing and asking pardon, especially of Sister Matilda. They repentantly pledged to never again be so selfish.

“We are sure,” said Sister Marie, “that the five lacking pearls are because of our fault.”
The Superior stood up and concluded:
“Let us be serene and confident! Even more important than presenting the Queen of the Universe with a precious Rosary, it is necessary to build up a treasure of holiness in the spiritual life.”
Suddenly the little box began to luminously glow. The superior looked at it in surprise. She told Sister Ruth to count the pearls once again. Joyfully, the nun announced that there were no longer five pears missing! The nuns broke into a song of praise and thanksgiving to their generous heavenly spirits.
The Rosary was assembled that very afternoon. Our Lady’s gift, ready for the solemnity, was placed in the hands of the statue of the Blessed Virgin during the Holy Mass. In Heaven, the Blessed Virgin and the Angels, under the command of the three Archangels, rejoiced to see that the community had earned those pearls with their virtuous acts. It gladdened them, above all, to know that the nuns were stringing together a spiritual Rosary of good deeds, that would be the work of a lifetime, in which each step toward holiness would become a gem in Mary’s crown. ◊