Grateful for so many benefits received, many wish to express the tremendous happiness they feel in finding a mother who, from eternity, has guided, supported and protected them.
T he words of the Psalmist could be applied to the incomparable goodness of Dona Lucilla towards those who implore her aid: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil” (Ps 23:4), for under her maternal shawl they find refuge, protection and security (cf. Ps 71:3).
Indeed, with her special knack, Dona Lucilla has delivered her faithful devotees from difficulties, leading them along the right path and restoring their strength amid the countless sufferings and difficulties of life.

“By her intercession, I am here”
Ana Karina Bueno writes from Recife (Brazil), to tell us about the cure of an illness, obtained through the intercession of Dona Lucilia:
“I visited my doctor for routine examinations and the ultrasound showed an enlargement in one of the ovaries. What was supposed to be six cubic centimetres was forty. The doctor, distrusting the ultrasound, as it is not the most precise test, ordered an MRI with contrast to be done in another, more reliable laboratory. The result not only confirmed the first, but also indicated that it was an enlargement to sixty cubic centimetres. In other words, it was ten times larger than normal.
“The doctor referred me to a surgeon, who explained to me the need to remove this ovary and perhaps even the uterus, depending on its condition at the time of surgery.”
While she was undergoing the pre-operative examinations, Ana made a quick trip to São Paulo, during which she had the opportunity to visit one of the houses of the Heralds and speak with a priest of the institution:
“We told him everything that was happening, asked for a blessing, and he immediately granted it, asking for Dona Lucilia’s intercession.”
Upon returning to Recife and completing the pre-operative examinations, Ana’s surgical procedure was scheduled:
“I went for the surgery asking her, Dona Lucilia, to be with me. And to everyone’s surprise – especially the doctor, who could not figure out what had happened – there was no change in my ovary. It was the normal size, and I could conceive again if I wished.”
Amazed, Ana took the video of the surgery to the doctor who had previously attended her, in order to inform her of what had happened:
“The doctor didn’t know what to say when she saw the video, because she thought I wanted an explanation. She told me that she had no way to explain this fact.”
Recognizing the enormous favour granted by Dona Lucilia, Ana affirms: “I knew perfectly well and I had no doubt that I was healed in the blessing I received. Through her intercession I am here, and I have faith that she will be helping me again so that my baby will be completely healthy.”
“I started a novena to Dona Lucilia”
Jorge Nunes, from Xangri-Lá (Brazil), knowing of the countless benefits obtained through Dona Lucilia, also appealed to her, asking her to help his son to overcome a certain difficulty that prevented him from continuing his training after passing the Fire Department exam:
“During the physical tests he was unable to complete the ‘bars’ segment because of a muscular problem he had developed. But the medical examination did not reveal any abnormality. I began a novena to Dona Lucilia, praying a Hail Mary every day. Then he found a specialist who suggested a possible treatment for the discomfort.
“After that my son was able to perform the exercise beyond the minimum required. He went through all the levels and graduated on November 20, the date up until which I continued to pray. From then on, I changed the intention to gratitude.”

Motherly love that restored her peace and her life
Flavia Duarte, from Campo Grande (Brazil), also writes to us to make known her gratitude for the support she received from Dona Lucilia, during a troubled period of her life:

“A few years ago, after suffering several attacks of migraine headaches, with chest pains and tingling in my arms, which occasioned several visits to the emergency room, I was diagnosed with physical exhaustion accompanied by mental exhaustion. At first, I tried seeking psychological treatment; nevertheless, the attacks continued. I was terribly afraid that I was going mad. The symptoms bombarded my body and, above all, my mind.
“After a few months, I started psychiatric treatment. The diagnosis was depression and panic syndrome. I then began taking the prescribed medications. There were good days, followed by bad days. The medicine mitigated the symptoms overall, but did not prevent the attacks.
“A year later, I was about to make a trip to São Paulo, since our family was taking part in the pilgrimage to Aparecida organized by the Heralds of the Gospel. However, an extremely severe panic crisis brought me once again to the hospital. I felt my whole body tingling, and my breathing became very difficult, so that I almost lost consciousness. A different anxiolytic medication was prescribed, and with that I decided to go ahead with the plans for the trip.”
At one point in the pilgrimage, Flavia received a photograph of Dona Lucilia. Deeply impressed with that the kindness of her look, which transmitted so much peace, she decided to resort to her intercession:
“When we returned home, I had another day of terrible symptoms. That was when I decided to take that little picture and ask Dona Lucilia for help, begging her to take away the ‘feeling of not knowing how to breathe.’ I said that I could bear the other symptoms, but this one was the worst of all of them, since it completely robbed me of peace!
I put the photo under my pillow and when I woke up, I realized to my surprise that the distress had disappeared. The days passed, and none of the symptoms returned; I was cured! I was able to stop taking the drugs, and today I lead a normal life, thanks to the motherly love of that lady who restored to me my peace and my life.”
Unexpected obstacles while closing a sale
Mrs. Maria Baghdikian’s family, from São Paulo, was in a very precarious financial situation when they decided to sell a property received as an inheritance. An unexpected mishap, however, threatened the successful outcome of the deal:
“We managed to find a buyer, under the condition of delivering him the property, totally unoccupied, within three months. The ground floor was occupied by us. The upper floor was rented to a person who, since the beginning of the lease, knew of our intention to sell it. This tenant, with whom we had a long-standing relationship of good faith, had agreed to vacate the premises in the event that the property was sold, so as not to create obstacles.
“However, as soon as the deal was closed, he began to adopt a negative attitude: he became extremely aggressive and refused to vacate the property, thus making it impossible to meet the conditions of the sale.”
“I am grateful for her goodness and promptness in helping me”
It was at this tense moment that a relative recommended that Maria appeal to Dona Lucilia’s intervention, so that the case could be resolved in time:
“We tried to convince the tenant to comply with what we had agreed upon verbally. But the conversations only became increasingly problematic, leading to arguments and hostility. So the time passed and the deadline for handing over the property was approaching and the risk of losing the sale became more and more probable due to the tenant’s growing obstinacy.
“Ten days before the deadline, we had a heated dispute, in which his behaviour became much more aggressive and vulgar.
“Extremely distraught, I decided to talk to my uncle, to ask if he had any ideas or suggestions to make. Seeing no way of solving the problem, other than through legal action, a solution which, since it would demand a lot of time, could very well result in the cancellation of the sale, he suggested I should turn to Dona Lucilia.
“I immediately prayed three rosaries asking for her intercession. Soon afterwards, the tenant appeared unexpectedly on the ground floor of the property, where I was staying and, spontaneously and astonishingly, told me that he was going to vacate the house.
“There had been a radical and inexplicable change in his behaviour. I immediately associated this change with an intervention by Dona Lucilia. I thank God for the favour He had granted me through her intercession, and I am grateful to her for the goodness and promptness with which she helped me.”
* * *
With interventions such as those narrated above, Dona Lucilia has sheltered under her maternal shawl all those who, afflicted and in need of help, address prayers to her.
Grateful for so many benefits received from this generous lady, who made of her life a constant holocaust for the benefit of her neighbour, many wish to express through these accounts the tremendous happiness they feel in having found a mother who, from eternity, has guided, supported and protected them. ◊

Order and Compassion
There were countless opportunities for Dona Lucilia to show her motherliness through the measureless, supportive, and unfailing love she extended to anyone who had been visited by hardship or was in any kind of need.
An example of this is her care for her sister Zili. Dona Lucilia, 13 years her elder, was a mother to her from her first moments, surrounding her with boundless affection. Throughout her life, Zili would bear an almost filial love and gratitude to Dona Lucilia.
Dona Zili’s daughter, Ilka, was blessed in like manner. She also lived in the Ribeiro dos Santos mansion and was close in age to her cousins, being educated with them as if she were their sister. Many decades after those pleasant days, Dona Ilka still had fond memories of her aunt:
“Aunt Lucilia was a real lady, with a superior spirit and a kindness that was out of the ordinary. We sometimes tend to think that a good person never opposes others and does not notice evil. Not Aunt Lucilia! When she was vexed with Plinio for some mischief of his, I would often see her take a silver hairbrush and spank him on the hand with it! But at the same time, she possessed a rare kindness – she was so good!
“Aunt Lucilia was a saint. She suffered much during her life, but knew how to bear everything patiently. She was really an extraordinary person.
“She was the one who brought up my mother. Aunt Lucilia was thirteen when my mother was born, and it was she who effectively took on her education. Aunt Lucilia was really my mother’s mother.

“My mother was crazy about her! Crazy! I think my mother felt a much closer bond with her sister than with her own mother.”
Dona Lucilia was considered the favourite aunt among her nieces and nephews. They loved to hear her stories and to spend Christmas, Easter and all the family festivities with her.
For her, pleasant, harmonious, and respectful interaction was the perfection of social life – a true gift of God to ease the burden of man’s pilgrimage in this land of exile.
Her exercise of authority was always firm and clear, while consistently maintaining a tone of kindness. Whenever possible, she was quick to implement her decision toward solving any problem that fell under her jurisdiction. However, she never diminished in her certainty that it was kindness, above all, that would overcome obstacles and soften the hardness of self-love in the numerous souls she would encounter. ◊
CLÁ DIAS, EP, João Scognamiglio.
Dona Lucilia. Città del Vaticano-São Paulo:
LEV; Heralds of the Gospel, 2013, p.120-121