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The Apostolate of Suffering

Jacinta’s mission reveals to us the need for expiatory victims who, with their suffering and the sacrifice of their lives, collaborate so that the...

Inexhaustible and Transforming Mercy

Our Lady is present in the uninterrupted struggle that each man wages against his defects, to acquire greater virtues. And even if we do...

Precursor in the Fight against Heresy

St. John the Evangelist was one of the first fighters against the heresy emergent in his time, regarding the relationship between the human and...

You Will Be Embraced as I Was!

The day will come, and it is not far off, when Mary will embrace her faithful children, as She had the goodness to embrace...

Affectionate and Confident Children

We ought to be true children towards the Most Holy Virgin, brimming with veneration, affection and confidence. When a mother plays with her toddler by...

Branded with the Cross

Set your eyes on the Crucified and all will seem easy. If His Majesty showed us His love with such tremendous labours and sufferings,...

Compassionate and Combative Soul

St. Vincent de Paul was at once the saint of combativeness and charity. Combativeness, on two fronts. First, the doctrinal front, in which he diligently...

Eagle of Human Thought

The eagle is extremely beautiful at the moment when it takes flight. However, even more beautiful is human thought when expressed in a way...

To Be for Her as Elisha Was for Elijah

When Mary lives in someone, it is not She who lives, but it is Jesus Christ who lives in that someone. And to set...

Combative and Serene Purity

Catholic hagiography and iconography present St. Anthony of Padua to us as an exceedingly placid man, a man whose orderliness of soul is even...

Saint, King and Hero

King, and archetype of the tireless fighter, St. Ferdinand of Castile was an extraordinary example of the strong and heroic man, completed by harmonic...

Centre and Model of Affection

Dona Lucilia’s affection for others was modelled upon the Sacred Heart of Jesus; the result of this affection was abnegation and the renunciation of...