
Be Not Insane!

I invite the reader to judge the following three sentences: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity – and I’m not completely sure...

Jacques Fesch: from crime to Heaven – A New Creation!

For just over three years, Jacques Fesch has been a prisoner. And as his layer has just informed him, he is now facing the...

Suger, Abbot of Saint-Denis – Chosen by God, Esteemed by Men

Abbot of Saint-Denis, royal ambassador to pontifical courts, prime minister and counsellor to King Louis VI and regent of France during the Second Crusade…...

New Ideas, Same Ideals

November 1, 2024. Our founder, Msgr. João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, departed for eternity. You can imagine the flood of emotions that pervaded the souls...

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – A Musician Called to Be an Angel

August 13, 1792. The sun had already set when the old cart drove up to the gates of the building that had once been...

Notre-Dame de Paris – A Cathedral of Perfect Beauty, the Joy of All the Earth

April 15, 2019. On that Monday of Holy Week, the whole world stopped, stunned, to watch the fire that devoured the famous Notre-Dame Cathedral...

Our Lady of Guadalupe – Empress of the Americas

For the first twelve Franciscan apostles who, at the request of Hernán Cortés, arrived in Mexico from Spain in the 16th century, it was...

Solemn Obsequies for the Soul of Msgr. João

  Reception of the Body Numerous spiritual sons and daughters from different countries, together with countless of the faithful, gathered on November 1, 2024 at the...

Mission “post mortem” – Sunset or Dawn?

The reader who has perused this special edition of Heralds of the Gospel magazine, a posthumous tribute to Msgr. João, has most likely done...

Expiatory Victim for the Holy Church – He Suffered with Christ, to Be Glorified with Him

In following the articles in this special issue of Heralds of the Gospel magazine and considering the numerous achievements attributed to Msgr. João, a...

Relationship with the Blessed Virgin – In the Arms of Mary

In the first pages of his work dedicated to Mary Most Holy1, the last he left us before departing for eternity, Msgr. João describes...

Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament – A Eucharistic Man

The great St. Ignatius of Loyola was once asked what he would do if a decree were to come from the Pope closing down...