
Divine Pardon and the Mother of the Embrace

St. Thomas Aquinas (cf. Summa Theologiæ. II-II, q.30, a.4) questions whether mercy is the greatest of all virtues. In fact, by repeating Hosea’s exhortation...

The Kingdom of Heaven Is at Hand!

When we speak of conversion, long-ago figures typically come to mind, such as Paul of Tarsus, Magdalene and Augustine – all of them saints...

The Solution to the Crisis is from Above

It is impossible to turn a blind eye to the growing crisis besieging the world. Wherever we look we are faced with financial, social,...

The Founder of Founders

Everything God does emanates from His infinite wisdom. He founded the earth and the heavens, created man in His image and likeness and, after...

Herald of the Reign of the Holy Spirit

Writing an editorial for Heralds of the Gospel magazine has never been so gratifying and, at the same time, so demanding… And both the...

To Be or to Be Holy: That is the Question

Today we live in a crisis. A crisis of customs, of doctrines and of virtue. The greatest crisis of all, however, is that of...

Good Remedy and Sacred Slavery

The Virgin Mary has countless titles, from the highest, that of Mother of God, to those referring to human miseries, such as Refuge of...

Some Try, Others Triumph

The approach towards the Angels is often distorted by religious syncretism, pseudo-spiritualities or, even in the Catholic sphere, by a sugar-coated view of their...

Serene Contemplation, a Resounding Victory

The greatest battle in history was announced by the Protoevangelium: “I will put enmities between thee and the Woman, and thy seed and her...

A New or an Old Church?

After millennia under the yoke of original sin, humanity longed for renewal. Through a New Eve, Mary Most Holy, Jesus the Redeemer of the...