HGM102 - April 2016

St. Isidore of Seville – The Last Father of the Western Church

Slowly, deeply, and solemnly, the bells of the Church of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem, the most important in Seville, announced the departure from...

The Miraculous Fresco of the Mother of Good Counsel

She is charitable. She is generous, helpful, protective, and caressing. She forgives, restores, and blesses. She calms the storms. What does she ask in...

Believe in Order to Love

Gospel of the Second Sunday of Easter 19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples...

The Holy Rosary – Aid in Times of Trial

The Roman Pontiffs, and the other Holy Fathers, our predecessors, when they were pressed in upon by temporal or spiritual wars, or troubled by...