HGM137 - March 2019

St. Joseph – Counsellor of Eternal Wisdom

Who was this extraordinary man, from whose personality the Word Incarnate would draw something for His humanity? What was so precious in Joseph that...

St. Rose of Viterbo – Mercy and Intransigence Flowing from Ardent Love

From her earliest childhood, the seraphic soul of Rose received a lofty mission, of profound, far-reaching and exceptional import: to suffer the martyrdom of...

The Foundation for Every Victory

What is the basis for the constancy of the Saints, which gives them confidence amid disaster and detachment in triumph? The response comes from...

Exempt from Original Sin: Why Not? – Considerations on the Predestination of St. Joseph

How long did the Magisterium take to define the Immaculate Conception of Mary? Nineteen centuries, even though the entire Church clamoured that the declaration...

Who is a True Disciple?

Our Lord entrusts the mission of leading souls to the Kingdom of Heaven to the humble, since they recognize their own insufficiency. It is...

St. Clement Mary Hofbauer – Wise Preacher, Apostle of Vienna

St. Clement was a priest and an apostle according to the heart of God. He exercised his priestly ministry with holy enthusiasm and rigorous...