HGM155 - September 2020

Shield and Sword of the Church

  St. Michael led the fight against the demons in the Prœlium Magnum and cast them into hell. This Archangel is, moreover, the head of...

The Sun Wants to Shine within Us 

The sun needs only the smallest breach in order to spread its rays amidst the darkness. However, how often do we build walls that prevent...

Saints of Each Day – September

St. Lupus of Sens, bishop (†c. 623). Bishop of Sens, France, he was exiled from his diocese for having declared that his...

The Secret to Heroism

Who will be truly strong and courageous at the hour of combat? Only those who, throughout their lives, succeed in preserving the pearl that...

Church and World Events

Vatican Library creates new website The Vatican Library launched a new website in July to facilitate and expand access to its collection and services. In...

Heralds Worldwide

São Paulo - With a Mass in the Basilica of Carmel, solemnized by the choir of the Heralds, the 300th anniversary of the St....

Serene Pilgrimage Along the Path of Old Age

In Dona Lucilia could be found the grandeur of Christian old age, sanctified by the merit of motherhood, and glorified by that discreet halo that...

What Is a Priest According to the Heart of God?

He is a little god on earth, a living image of Jesus Christ, an Angel for his purity of soul and body; these are...

A Small Stone, a Great Lesson

An act of kindness, a reproach or a word of encouragement may well be the “little stone” that will make it possible for my...

St. Teresa Margaret Redi – Intimate Friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Those who seek to please God without reservation, at all times and in every situation, draw upon themselves the divine gaze and receive from...

Blessed the Day that Saw Her Birth!

The sunrise is but a pale image of the resplendent dawn signified by Mary Most Holy’s appearance on this earth. Blessed the moment when...

Apollos: Who Was He?

The few allusions that Scripture makes to this mysterious figure, combined with the commentaries and inferences of the exegetes, reveal to us a personality...