HGM201 - July 2024

To Be for Her as Elisha Was for Elijah

When Mary lives in someone, it is not She who lives, but it is Jesus Christ who lives in that someone. And to set...

Patroness of the Armada

“Flos Carmeli, vitis florigera, splendor cæli, Virgo puerpera, singularis. Mater mitis, sed viri nescia, carmelitis da privilegia, stella maris – Flower of Carmel, blossoming...

Tears of Farewell

The Jewish Passover was nigh. The Messiah was at the table with eleven of His disciples; Judas had already taken his leave. The Mother...

Church and World Events

Statues and relics survive catastrophe in Rio Grande do Sul In the midst of the tragedy ravaging the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul,...

Heralds Worldwide

  Queen of the Nation and of Hearts Colombia, 1998. The Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima travels through several cities of the country, led...

Relief for a Mother’s Heart

The profound alterations in mentalities and customs that shook the world in that historical context were followed by political revolutions. However, while in some...

Elijah and the Carmelite Order – The Mantle of Elijah through the Ages

Carmel!… A word that resounds through history like a bell! It evokes great events; it brings to mind prophetic deeds and extraordinary accomplishments of...

St. Veronica Giuliani – The Passion of Christ in Veronica

In the centre of the Italian peninsula lies the town of Mercatello, the birthplace of Ursula, seventh and last daughter of Francesco Giuliani and...

Daily Life in Cluny – Source of Living Water for Christendom

A time of wars and anarchy, the 10th century was a crucial moment in European history. The civilizing campaign begun by Charlemagne needed a...

The St. Benedict Medal – An Exorcism Struck on a Medal

“We could do nothing against that place!” confessed some sorceresses imprisoned by the public authorities in Nattremberg, Bavaria, in 1647 on charges of having...

The Founder of an Era of Faith

A young man with an extraordinary vocation, from a senatorial and patrician family, decided to give himself completely to divine grace. It spoke to...

The Church: Teacher of Civilization

I hope the two characters in the discussion I witnessed the other day will not mind if I describe it as I heard it. In...