HGM202 - August 2024

Eagle of Human Thought

The eagle is extremely beautiful at the moment when it takes flight. However, even more beautiful is human thought when expressed in a way...

The Watchtower

In a sky that seems forever blue, the sun shines down with all its brilliance upon the placid waves of the sea, which sparkle...

Who Is My True Friend?

Sveglia the Rooster crowed, announcing the dawn of another day on the farm of Signor Francesco Belincaza: “Cock-a-doodle-doo! Rise and shine, my friends! The sun...

Church and World Events

Historic Eucharistic pilgrimage As part of the preparations for the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, held in Indianapolis from July 17 to 21, one of the...

Heralds Worldwide

  “I Am With You Always” Before departing for Heaven, Our Lord declared that He would remain with us always, until the end of time (cf....

A Mother Who Always Answers Her Children’s Pleas!

It was due to a lack of bread to offer an unexpected visitor that, in the parable told by the Divine Master, an afflicted...

The Basilica of St. Mary Major – Symbol and Bulwark of Orthodoxy

On the Esquiline Hill, the highest in the Eternal City, stands a magnificent church like a standard proclaiming Mary’s victory over her adversaries. The...

Escolapia Martyrs of Valencia – Heroism in Simplicity

Spain, 1936. The civil war had spread throughout the country and in Valencia it caused religious and priests to disperse, because of the risks...

Splendour, at the Crossroads of History…

Versailles was built in a context that could, from a certain point of view, be called a crossroads in history. The starting point of the...

The Crowning Achievement of a Loyal Subject

“I am grateful to you for the honour that Your Majesty has done me by increasing the number of your household officers in my...

Élisabeth of France – The Last Sun of Versailles

Among the lugubrious events of the French Revolution, there is no doubt that the beheading of more than forty thousand victims, together with the...

Dogma of the Assumption of Mary Body and Soul into Heaven – Mary’s Triumph!

A devout and attentive reading of the Acts of the Apostles lets us savour and at the same time relive the atmosphere of springtime...