HGM203 - September 2024

Compassionate and Combative Soul

St. Vincent de Paul was at once the saint of combativeness and charity. Combativeness, on two fronts. First, the doctrinal front, in which he diligently...

Illuminated Cross, Crucified Light

Tradition has coined the saying “Per crucem ad lucem – Through the cross to the light,” to denote that through our daily labours and...

A Birthday Celebration in Heaven

Did you know that there are parties in Heaven, too? And they are extraordinary! Well, this month I’m going to tell you what happened...

Church and World Events

Contemporary stained glass rejected in Notre-Dame de Paris The members of France’s National Commission for Heritage and Architecture unanimously rejected the project to replace the...

Living Image of Another Mother: the Holy Church

Dr. Plinio was introduced to the ways of the Gospel and the sublime horizons of the Catholic religion by a living example, present before...

The Siege of the Alcázar of Toledo – A Miracle of Faith and Audacity

Audacity, idealism, nobility of spirit, hope and faith! These are the attributes that dwell in the soul of the Spanish when they are true...

St. Joshua – You Will Lead this People to the Promised Land

In a certain city in ancient Egypt, a shocking scene was witnessed. It was early spring, close to midnight. In several humble houses throughout...

Shield and Sword of the Church

Regarding St. Michael the Archangel, we have a brief note: “St. Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, fought the rebellious angels in the war that...

Mont Saint-Michel – Photograph in Stone of the Mentality of an Angel

Standing before Mont Saint-Michel, we stare in amazement at this stone giant rising from the rocky depths to rend the skies. From above, a...

Blessed Francisco Palau: “My Relations with the Church” – The True Face of the Church

Prefigured by the chosen people in the Old Testament, the Church was instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ in the fullness of time, in...

Apparitions of La Salette – Lady, Why Are You Crying?

“Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow” (Lam 1:12). Jeremiah’s poignant...

No Glory without the Cross

Gospel – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 27 Jesus and His disciples set out for the villages of Caesarea Philippi. Along the way He asked His...