HGM208 - February 2025

The Apostolate of Suffering

Jacinta’s mission reveals to us the need for expiatory victims who, with their suffering and the sacrifice of their lives, collaborate so that the...

Two Ways of “being god”?

Here are two artistic representations, each portraying a different god, as conceived by their respective worshippers. The first depicts the god Moloch at the...

Did You Know…

…why the chalice at Mass is covered with a veil? At the beginning of the Offertory of the Mass, the acolyte hands the priest or...

The Real Conquerors

The twenty-ninth of March 1549. Almost fifty years after its discovery, around a thousand men from the Lusitanian armada anchored at the Land of...

Heralds Worldwide

  Praises to the Divine Child Joining the voices of the Angels who sang “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men...

Dona Lucilia Is Truly Beside Me!

In the gentleness of a smile or in a discreet intervention; as a friendly hand that reassures or a strong arm that supports; by...

Seven Holy Founders of the Servites – A Robust and Lush Tree

The task of telling the story of a founder is akin to the work of a botanist trying to describe the origin of a...

Be Not Insane!

I invite the reader to judge the following three sentences: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity – and I’m not completely sure...

Do I need to convert, too?

Catecismo da Igreja Católica § 545 Jesus invites sinners to the table of the Kingdom: “I came not to call the righteous, ut sinners” (Mk 2:17)....

Jacques Fesch: from crime to Heaven – A New Creation!

For just over three years, Jacques Fesch has been a prisoner. And as his layer has just informed him, he is now facing the...

The Battle for Souls

As much as people may say otherwise, the phenomena of human society can only be studied in man. Society is a collection of men...

No One Can Be Restored by Himself

How do you explain so many souls abandoning a life of sin or paganism to embrace the Cross of Christ, in the hope of...