HGM209 - March 2025

As at the Wedding of Cana

Our Lady, simply by placing her virginal hand on a soul full of defects and vices, burdened with sins, can transform it into a...

What Does Art Announce to Us?

If the highest vocation of art is to unite the heavenly to the earthly, the famous altarpiece of the Annunciation by Blessed Fra Angelico,...

Did You Know…

…that the house where ”the Word became flesh‘ still exists today? Thanks to a long-standing tradition, ancient manuscripts and recent archaeological studies, we now have...

First Conquer; Then Fight!

Man’s life on earth, from the moment our eyes open to this world until they close after the last combat, has always been and...

A Soul of Harmonious Contrasts

Due to her magnanimity of soul, Dona Lucilia easily adapted to the will of others. Nothing disturbed her well-ordered inner equanimity. It was reminiscent...

St. Stephen Harding – The Story of a Rebel Monk

The story of a rebellious monk, and a saint? In fact, not just one, but three. These monks led an escape from the monastery,...

What Is the Book of Life?

“He who conquers shall be clad thus in white garments, and I will not blot his name out of the Book of Life; I...

The Flight of Dom John VI – An Exodus Between Life and Death

The sun showed itself without veils that day: it seemed to want to contemplate itself in the calm waters of the river, while drying...

I only have “little sins”… do I really need to go to Confession?

Catechism of the Catholic Church § 1458 Without being strictly necessary, confession of everyday faults (venial sins) is nevertheless strongly recommended by the Church. Indeed the...

The Story of the Repentant Soul

The Miserere belongs to the group of seven psalms called penitential. What is a penitential psalm? Obviously, it is a hymn to God in...

Why and How to Confess?

Judas Iscariot, seeing that Jesus had been condemned to death, went to the Temple to dispose of the unlawful money for which he had...

The Sacrament of Confession – Did Jesus Christ Institute Confession?

In proclaiming that man’s life on earth is a struggle (cf. Jb 7:1), Job is only recalling the fierce clash that takes place within each...