Inside Front Cover

Limitless Faith in His Love

Provided I find good will in a soul, I am never weary of looking upon its miseries. My love is fed by consuming miseries; the...

He Measures the Depths of Our Love

I was sad because of my past conduct, my sins of pride, my weaknesses, and so on. It was at that moment that Jesus...

The Bitterest of Grievances: God Abandoned

Since the Eucharist is the miracle of the perpetual permanence of Jesus Christ, the abandonment of the Eucharist is the practical frustration of this...

Do Everything that Is the Will of God

You ask me, my dear daughters: of what does pure love for God consist? It does not consist in knowing the good, talking about...

Love that Crosses the Threshold of Eternity

To think that God assumed our nature in order to lavish His divine love upon us through a human Heart is enough to move...

Heroism Carried to Martyrdom

When the persecution laws came into force on August 10, 1926, the dispersion of the clergy began. Once public worship was closed, private...

Crucifixion, Heroism and Glory

My daughter: you are indeed continuing my redemptive work, the work of salvation…Through your wounds, through your crucifixion, you continue to give to the...

The Secret of Perfection

Our entire perfection is founded on loving our most loving God. “Charity is the bond of perfection” (Col 3:14). And perfect love of God consists...

Queen of Peace and Joy

St. Mary of Jesus Crucified once said: “Obedience is to the soul what wings are to a bird. How unhappy are those who do...

Admirable Contemplation, Restorative Penitence

After her repentance, St. Mary Magdalene began to clearly represent two united virtues: contemplation and penitence. Contemplation, in contrast with her sister, in the famous...

Rejoice, O Souls Who Love Jesus!

Rejoice, therefore, O souls who love Jesus. “Ecce sponsus venit – Behold the Bridegroom comes” (Mt 25:6). Bridegroom of this entire pious work of the...

Demanding with Self, Kind to Others

You must be very attentive to the little things, to the little defects; never make peace with them. Let us ask God to torment...