Inside Front Cover

Admirable Contemplation, Restorative Penitence

After her repentance, St. Mary Magdalene began to clearly represent two united virtues: contemplation and penitence. Contemplation, in contrast with her sister, in the famous...

Rejoice, O Souls Who Love Jesus!

Rejoice, therefore, O souls who love Jesus. “Ecce sponsus venit – Behold the Bridegroom comes” (Mt 25:6). Bridegroom of this entire pious work of the...

Demanding with Self, Kind to Others

You must be very attentive to the little things, to the little defects; never make peace with them. Let us ask God to torment...

Prayer of a Wife and Mother to the Blessed Virgin

O Mary, most pure and immaculate Virgin, chaste Spouse of St. Joseph, most tender Mother of Jesus, perfect model of wives and mothers; I...

Heaven Is for the Violent

Since the Kingdom of Heaven is conquered by doing violence, those who think they can sanctify themselves without suffering have a mistaken idea of...

Transfigured on Calvary

“During her last illness” – attests Sister Fabruzzo – “ suffered atrocious pain and anguish, without a single complaint, maintaining a serene and cheerful...

A Universal Evil

My very dear daughters in Our Lord. You were born precisely for the times in which we live; your vocation is specifically the...

A Proof of Predilection: To be Crucified with the Lord

Iunderstand everything you are going through because, if you always felt the joy of sacrifice, what the Lord sends you could not be called...

A Proof of Love

Gertrude’s love for the crucifix was tender and most heartfelt. As her piety could not bear to see Jesus suspended from hard iron nails,...

Tender and Fatherly Concern for Perfection

  The solicitude that showed for the temporal interests of the community was but a reflection of another, far more tender concern with which...

He Spoke Always for God and of God

When ascended the pulpit, the mere sight of his angelic and austere face captivated the audience and dominated it in such a way...

The Queen Enters, Fair and Glorious

Behold, Mary already leaves the earth, at which She looks with affection and compassion: with affection, remembering the many graces She had there received...