The Sunday Liturgy

Pardoning Is the Work of a Giant

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s Gospel, to be read together with St. Matthew’s (cf. Mt 5:38-48), invites us to have the soul of a giant...

Trust in God or Trust in Man?

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time This Sunday’s Liturgy is like a double-edged sword. The first reading, taken from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, is...

Humanity Failed Because it Strove without God

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time The world, with all its institutions, seems to be dominated by evil – called the Revolution by Dr. Plinio Corrêa...

The Eyes of Faith and the Sorrowful Way

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord God’s works are grandiose and proclaim His glory. However, mediocre man does not perceive behind these marvels the...

“The Law of the Lord God is perfect”… and Unchanging

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Some non-Catholic theologians and philosophers – and even some who call themselves Catholics – claim that God could have formulated...

A Prophecy Laden with Hope

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time The episode of the Wedding Feast at Cana emphasizes the intercessory power of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy, who with...

Through Baptism, We Produce Divine Fruit

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord When a graft is made – from a sweet orange to a lemon tree, for example – a...

Where Can We Find the Star of Bethlehem?

Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord On this Solemnity of the Epiphany, the Holy Magi shine before our eyes with special brilliance. The pious...

Mary Has Something of Jesus, and Jesus Has Everything of Mary

Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God When an embryo is being formed in the mother’s womb, a mysterious phenomenon called fetal microchimerism takes...