Theme of the Month

Why and How to Confess?

Judas Iscariot, seeing that Jesus had been condemned to death, went to the Temple to dispose of the unlawful money for which he had...

The Sacrament of Confession – Did Jesus Christ Institute Confession?

In proclaiming that man’s life on earth is a struggle (cf. Jb 7:1), Job is only recalling the fierce clash that takes place within each...

Roy Schoeman, the progressive unveiling of the Faith – Pursued by God, Called by Mary

The Gospels tell us that Jesus wept twice. Once, for Lazarus: it was the loss of a loved one; another time over the Holy...

Great conversions – Theodore Ratisbonne, a true son of Israel – From the Synagogue to the Catholic Church

From that moment, Theodore’s life would take a different turn. Leaving the house, he met his brother. “Where are you going?” he asked, clasping...

The Strength of Men… and the Weakness of God!

It was late at night in the Corrêa de Oliveira residence. Dona Lucilia, however, was far from retiring. Surrounded by the silence and calm...

The “Methodology” of Prayer – How to Ask and Be Answered?

Various of life’s circumstances could be described as universal, in the sense that all people – rich or poor, educated or illiterate, well-mannered or...

On the Death of Benedict XVI – The First and the Last Pope

That afternoon in Rome, Vatican Hill was the stage of an unprecedented execution: before the eyes of onlookers, a Galilean was crucified upside down....

More on Peace: How to Attain It?

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you” (Jn 14:27). Jesus...

The Peace of Christ and the Peace of the World

Our Lord said: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.”...

Two Decades at the Service of Truth

On completing a meaningful anniversary, “Heralds of the Gospel” magazine offers a retrospective of its journey from its foundation to the present day, casting...

Moses, the Man Chosen by God

This boy, beautiful in the eyes of God, made of Israel a people, a religion on the march, aligned around His law like an...

Heroes Born of Failure

In August of 1914, after seven months of exhausting preparation, a beautiful and solid boat set sail from the Port of Plymouth, equipped for...