The work of creation resembles a symphony: unified and harmonious, but with diverse rhythms and movements. At times, humanity seems immersed in a melancholic adagio; at other times, in a pleasant andante. In contemplating this divine musical piece, man places himself in the expectation of a majestic finale. How will the melody end? What will happen tomorrow?
Without a doubt, 2020 is turning out to be the most atypical year of the millennium. Those of a mediocre leaning will discern in it only irrational cacophonies; the timorous, a funeral dirge; the foolish will be deceived by siren songs… But if we consult the conductors – that is, the providential men – what will they say?
Let us analyse the “scores” of history. At the time of the flood, was it not imperative for the firmament to weep for days for universal purification? Did it not take the endless monotony of the desert for the Israelites to finally enter the Promised Land? Was it not in the fullness of time (cf. Gal 4:4) that the Word of God became incarnate? Thus, could not this torpid year of discordant chords already prefigure a grand finale? We do not know the plans of Providence, but we know that hope is the key for our days.
St. Paul teaches that hope does not disappoint (cf. Rom 5:5). In fact, it was for this reason that humble fishermen ventured out on the mission of preaching the Gospel to every creature (cf. Mk 16:15), missionaries penetrated dark jungles to reveal the Sun of Justice, fearless heroes navigated seas never before sailed to unfurl the banner of the Cross throughout the whole world. God exceeds our hopes!
However, the ancient serpent continues to lay traps for the heel of the Virgin. Satan hates hope! That is why he uses his poison to obliterate God’s graces and drag mankind into the pit of despair, which is hell: the eternal prison of souls…
Working stealthily, the enemy acts on trends, revolutionizing customs to deaden consciences. He acts on ideas, making us believe, for example, that sanitization transcends sanctification, or that our most sacred values, such as the family, can simply be “remodelled”. He acts in the facts, declaring unyielding war on the children of light. In this struggle, his greatest trump card consists in effecting betrayals, especially from those called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world (cf. Mt 5:13-14), from those who, making themselves friends of this world, become enemies of God (cf. Jas 4:4)!
What can we do? Lose heart? Never! On the contrary, tribulation begets perseverance, from which springs up tried and tested virtue, which in turn produces hope (cf. Rom 5:4), the seed of eternal happiness. Only at the Last Judgement will we know how many rosaries had to be worn out, how many desires sacrificed, how many heroic acts of pure love practised in order to conquer the port so longed for…
Which path will we choose? Our only option is to choose “the best part” (Lk 10:42). If to love is to give everything, then to hope is to desire everything: the unimaginable, the loftiest, that sublime symphony which unites the hymns of earth with those of Heaven. And this hope can never be taken away from us! ◊

St. Catherine Labouré – Miraculous Medal Shrine, Paris