Dona Lucilia has helped countless souls, filling them with hope in sickness and tragedy, and giving them strength to face difficult and painful situations.
“For some things, science has an explanation; for others, only God has the answer.” With these words, Patricia de Fátima Silva, from Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil), closes the account of how her young son underwent sixty-seven hospitalizations and seven hundred and fifty days of hospital treatment without shedding a single tear, during which he was submitted to one hundred and ten chemotherapy sessions and eighty blood tests.
Not only without tears, but with joy and serenity. Amazed, Patricia draws her own conclusion: “The only explanation is that Our Lady and Dona Lucilia protected him, as a good mother protects her child.”
Diagnosis of an incurable disease
In gratitude for the constant help received throughout the family’s ordeal, this mother sends us an account of her sorrows, prayers and joys, in the hope that many other afflicted people may benefit from Dona Lucilia’s maternal assistance.
She writes: “In March 2013, when he was only two years and eight months old, Pedro Artur was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis, an incurable disease for which there was not even a specific treatment, and a tumour on the optic nerve. Faced with this condition, the doctors said there was nothing they could do to cure the child. Therefore, they would only monitor the disease to follow its evolution.”
Hoping to find a solution elsewhere, Patricia and her husband took their son to several other doctors, but they always received the same answer: “There is nothing that can be done.” So, once they realized the inability of human resources to do anything, they decided to appeal to supernatural means.

“We never gave up… In March 2013, right after the first diagnosis, we turned to Dona Lucilia for help. On April 22, the anniversary of her birth, my husband took our son to the place where her mortal remains lie, in Consolation Cemetery in São Paulo. There he prayed, asking for the grace of a miraculous cure. Then we gave him tea made from rose petals taken from her tomb.”
Faith once again countered by medical opinion
“In 2014” – the account continues – “Pedro Artur was admitted to the National Cancer Institute (INCA) in Rio de Janeiro, where he was monitored for four years, without receiving any treatment. An MRI scan done at the end of 2017 revealed that the eye tumour had grown and another one had appeared in the brain, deeply set in a delicate region.”
In view of this worsening of the situation, Patricia took her son to be evaluated by a specialist, who, after reviewing all the reports and exams, simply said the following:
“Ma’am, I recommend that Pedro Artur continue to be monitored at the INCA. There is nothing I can do for him.”
“Can’t you at least recommend some kind of treatment?”
“Unfortunately, no. Chemotherapy will harm him and won’t solve the problem. Radiotherapy might leave him blind in both eyes. And surgery is very risky: it could lead to loss of sight, and the tumour could return even more aggressively.”
Once again, the faith of this Catholic couple was countered by medical protocol, but they did not give up; above all, they never lost confidence in Dona Lucilia’s help. They kept on praying.

“In March 2018, Pedro Artur began chemotherapy treatment at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Itaperuna. Presently, he has made it through not one but one hundred and ten sessions! Since March 2013, we have been turning to the help of Dona Lucilia, in order to obtain from God the miraculous healing of our great little warrior! How many graces have already been obtained! Faith is to believe in what we do not see; and the reward is to see what we believe! And today, what was impossible has happened: Pedro Artur is doing well, the brain tumour has disappeared and the tumour in his eye has diminished significantly.”
Confidence, joy and serenity in tragedy
Impressed by the constant protection of this generous lady, Patricia expresses her gratitude not only for the cure, but above all for the grace of her son’s being able to face everything with serenity: “It was with great joy and confidence that Pedro Artur was admitted every week to undergo the chemotherapy sessions. He spent the days beforehand getting ready for his admission; he did this with such joy and pleasure that it did not seem as if he were going to a hospital. During the long period of treatment, he never manifested any suffering, he always had a beautiful smile on his face.”
And this exemplary mother concludes: “Many ask if God is not being unjust with us, allowing such a trial for a child. No! God is not unjust; if He were, He would not be God! He is mercy, and His love for us is infinite. It is up to us to remain persevering and confident, without ever losing faith! I am sure that this testimony will touch hearts and transform souls! Dona Lucilia, help us!”
“I addressed my simple and sincere petitions to Dona Lucilia”
Daniela Martucci – a resident of Sant’Andrea del Garigliano, Italy – learned of the countless benefits obtained through Dona Lucilia, as reported in Heralds of the Gospel magazine. She also did some research on the Internet, “to learn a little more about the life of this lovely lady.” She then began to invoke her, certain that her prayers would be heard. And she gives her testimony:
“I did not find a single article that did not express sweet and heart-warming words about the life and actions of Dona Lucilia, and this encouraged me to invoke her in the most difficult moments of my life!
“Last year, my beloved father passed away; a splendid, wonderful man, a pillar in my life. Before his departure, I would start to imagine how difficult my life would be without him, but when the thought came to me that one day he would leave us, I immediately tried to think of something else, so painful was it for me to imagine that, one day…
“When I turned my thoughts to other matters, I addressed my simple and sincere petitions to Dona Lucilia, the venerable lady with her lilac shawl, and she seemed to give me new courage with her smile, to such an extent that I decided to use her photo on the home screen of my mobile phone, so as to be able to see her at any time.
“I see her wrapped in her shawl, smiling and encouraging me”
Thus, with her characteristic knack, Dona Lucilia knew how to prepare her newest devotee to accept the sufferings that God would ask of her:
“Unfortunately that day came. Papa passed away, leaving a void in me, my mother, my brothers and my children that cannot be filled; and when I tried selfishly to divert my thoughts so as to suffer less, I saw Dona Lucilia’s face … She instilled courage and confidence in me. And if today I have decided to write to you it is because it seems important to me to believe that the Lord grants us the grace of finding out about persons who in some way can give us courage in moments of deep sorrow and difficulty.”

Daniela soon became accustomed to have constant recourse to Dona Lucilia’s efficacious help: “I always think of her as a mediatrix. Without doubt, her immaculate life would have assured her a special place in Heaven, where she can dialogue with Our Lady and present our supplications to Her. Now that she is part of my life I can testify that she hears me when I invoke her. I think of Papa, who is no longer alive, and immediately I see her wrapped in her shawl, smiling and encouraging me.”
“I asked Dona Lucilia for a sign”
“One day when I was thinking intensely about my son Angelo, who was experiencing a time of psychological instability, I turned my eyes heavenward and asked Dona Lucilia for a sign so that I would know she was listening to me and understood my concerns about him. At that precise moment I saw a shooting star piercing the blue of the night sky with its luminous trail, and I thought: ‘It was she who heard me and gave me the requested sign.’
“The next afternoon, my son told me that on his way home from work the night before: ‘Mom, something beautiful happened to me. While I was in the car, a shooting star streaked across the sky leaving a trail after it, and it seemed to me that I could almost touch it! It was a wonderful feeling!’ After many days of sadness, I witnessed a luminous smile on my son’s face…”
“We are emerging from a nightmare, thanks to her protection!”
Certain that Dona Lucilia is ready to assist her at all times, Daniela was not afraid to also implore her help so that her son would not be affected by the pandemic:
“A few days ago my son, who was in contact with a colleague infected with the COVID-19 virus, began to feel aching in his bones, accompanied by fever and olfactory impairment. I earnestly implored Dona Lucilia that she convey my concerns to Our Lady… Angelo took the test and, to everyone’s surprise, the result was negative!”
Nevertheless, when her husband did contract the illness, Daniela once again did not hesitate to invoke her intercessor.
“For more than ten days he was very ill, with a very high fever and low oxygen levels; we were on the verge of deciding to hospitalize him… My appeal to Dona Lucilia did not go unheeded. My husband began to improve, and the third test was negative. During all this time, I had to assist him, even giving him injections.
“Therefore, it was inevitable that I would also be infected. I turned to her, asking her for the courage to face the difficult situation. I didn’t fall ill, and I was able to take good care of my husband. We are emerging from this nightmare thanks to her protection; of this I am sure! I trust in her intercession and in the warmth of her lilac shawl!”
* * *
Thus, this kind lady does not cease to win over new devotees who, feeling protected under her welcoming shawl, do not doubt in her maternal help. Yes, she has sustained countless souls, filling them with hope and giving them strength to face difficult and painful situations. ◊
Reflections of Devotion to Our Lady

D ona Lucilia’s piety, which she almost never spoke of, was hardly ostentatious, but could be noticed by all. It was consistent with her way of being; communicative and affable, but very discreet. Just like her tone of voice – sweet and mild, like the different registers of an organ played softly and harmoniously in a small chapel, her ardent devotion always remained shrouded in a veil of discretion.
Such was her devotion to the Mother of God, which could almost be said to have begun as the purifying waters of Baptism were poured over her head.
One of the practices that most spurred her growth in this devotion was evidently the recitation of the Holy Rosary, which had been a custom of hers since her youth. For a long time she used a beautiful crystal rosary, until Dr. Plinio gave her another, from Aparecida. She most certainly never forgot her son’s words as he presented her with this modest but meaningful gift:
“My dear, as you can see, this is a very humble rosary. It is just to remind you that when I was in Aparecida, I prayed for you.”

which Dona Lucilia kept in her room
Despite its simplicity, Dona Lucilia started to use it because it was tied to the thought: “My son remembered me with special affection before Our Lady of Aparecida.”
One invocation that especially touched the maternal soul of Dona Lucilia – always trying to meet her children’s needs even before they asked – was that of Our Lady of Graces.
In the small French statue she had in her room, the Blessed Virgin is represented with her arms open, as though, out of sympathy for human weakness, She is eager to distribute the treasures of her graces to those who place themselves under her protective mantle.
Man’s spirit is shaped by the object of his admiration. Our souls are like mirrors. If we honour Our Lady, something of her qualities are reflected in us. Undoubtedly, something like this occurred with Dona Lucilia.
Day-to-day episodes from the last years of her life especially portrayed this elevation of soul that was like a sweet fragrance enveloping all of her actions. ◊
CLÁ DIAS, EP, João Scognamiglio.
Dona Lucilia. Città del Vaticano-São Paulo: LEV;
Heralds of the Gospel,
2013, p.555-556