Without discipline and effort, it is not possible to achieve academic excellence. But only in an ambience of friendship, vitality and joy is it possible to help students grow integrally as persons, both spiritually and intellectually.
Early in the morning, a hub of activity on one of the streets of the Jardim Planalto district in the Serra da Cantareira draws the attention of passers-by. Uniformed girls, joyful and high-spirited, leave their parents’ cars and pass through the gates, greeting one another enthusiastically. Classes are about to begin at the Mount Carmel branch of the Heralds of the Gospel School.
At eight-twenty on the dot, conversations between students are left off and, gathered in the courtyard, they sing the Creed. Then, all participate in the procession to the classrooms, as instruments join the youthful voices raised in song.
Thus begins the day not only in Mount Carmel but in all other branches of the Heralds of the Gospel School located throughout various states of Brazil. In contrast to the agitation, haste and unhealthy obsession with pragmatism so prevalent in today’s world, these schools aim to create an environment full of vitality that favours an excellent academic, religious and cultural formation, imbued with Christian sweetness and joy.
In these troubled times of ours, in which various sectors of society are on the verge of chaos, this is the kind of formation that many parents wish to give their children. Among them is Luciana Calistro, from Curitiba (State of Paraná), who affirms: “At school, the ideal way for students to learn the truth is within a beautiful and just environment. The school should be an ‘oasis’ in the midst of a relativistic society that has lost the notion of beauty, art or culture. We, parents of Herald students, are so blessed to have our children studying in an oasis like this.”
“There was a tremendous turnaround”
This happy alliance between discipline and joy, between behaviour and learning, yields surprising results. This is what Andréia Cristina de Mello, from Maringá (Paraná State), mother of a student at the Mount Carmel branch, tells us:
“My daughter, before attending the Heralds of the Gospel School, had little interest in studying. She wanted to be alone on the internet, watching television or playing with the children out on the street. She received several poor grades and even failed a year because of this lack of application to her schoolwork. She did not study for tests, she did not complete assignments, she was always disobedient… And on top of this, she had little respect for her family.
“After she entered the Heralds of the Gospel School, there was a tremendous turnaround. I have watched her make beautiful progress: she now takes an interest in her studies, is getting excellent grades, respects her family, and has become much more affectionate… I am very proud of her.
“For what she has learned and is learning at school, I have no words to express my gratitude to the Heralds of the Gospel. I also thank Our Lady for everything that She is giving us through this institution.”
In the same line, Maria Verônica Lima, from Recife (Pernambuco State), mother of a student at the school, comments:
“It is an honour for us to have a daughter studying at such an excellent school. Her intellect, writing skills, admiration for beauty and cultural knowledge have all developed… I know that there is no other school to compare with this one. I have always found its teaching method very interesting, and I especially appreciate what she has gained in the formation of her personality.”
“Like an extension of our family”
Following the orientations given in the Law on Guidelines and Standards (LDB), the National Curricular Guidelines (DCN) and the proposals provided in the Common National Curricular Standards (BNCC), Heralds of the Gospel School seeks not only to prepare students for a professional future, but also to enrich them in an integral way, as persons, in an environment combining education, respect and union, which invites them to grow spiritually and intellectually.
Very happy with the formation that his daughter receives at the Heralds of the Gospel School, William Ferreira, from Brasilia, declares: “Today, my daughter is an obedient, determined, God-fearing girl, with an exemplary formation given by the teachers and Herald sisters. I can only thank God for her being in the Heralds of the Gospel School.”
Patricia Marques, from Brasilia, also recognizes the assistance her daughter has received through this integral education: “We are experiencing something wonderful, both spiritually and academically. Today I speak of the Heralds as an extension of my family, because I share with them my most important mission, which is to care for the moral, cultural and religious growth of my daughter.”
And she adds: “Today she is a happy, peaceful child, without the idleness, and the bad influences of television and internet that used to be part of her everyday life. While my husband and I are at work, the Heralds of the Gospel have the mission of caring for and watching over her.”
“My daughters discovered their own abilities”
In the classroom, students acquire such advanced communication skills that their own parents are surprised by their children’s progress, as Marta Borges, mother of a student at the school in Brasilia tells us: “In school presentations she used to be very shy. I see that now she has lost her fear of public speaking, and this has done her a world of good.”
Amazed at the improvement in her two daughters, Stéfany and Monique, students of Heralds of the Gospel School for four years, Fabiana Verderio, from Maringá (Paraná), explains: “The school is having a good impact on their education. Stéfany, my eldest daughter, for example, had great difficulty in adapting to a state school here in the city. Her grades were very low, and she had a lot of difficulty assimilating the material. From the moment she started studying at the Heralds of the Gospel School she has progressed tremendously.”
And she points out one of the main reasons for this change: “Both she and Monique have discovered various skills they have, which they never imagined they had, both artistic and musical… They are very creative and have discovered that they really have a lot of potential.”
“They will leave the school prepared for life”
In expressing her gratitude for the formation the school has provided, Fabiana stresses the moral growth that she has observed with her daughters at home: “We see that they are very organized, helpful and disciplined. They have great respect for people, and I receive a lot of praise for them. The school is working wonders in their lives! I am very pleased with the education they are receiving: a thorough formation, academic as well as spiritual and moral.
And she concludes: “They are going to leave there truly prepared for life. The atmosphere is healthy, with a great deal of mutual respect and collaboration between students and teachers. I can only be thankful they have had the opportunity to attend this school.”
Juliana Santa Rosa, mother of students at the Heralds School in Recife (Pernambuco), comments: “With each step my daughters take, I see that the work at the school is done with discipline and competence. And the teachers are very well qualified. The school has only added important values to their lives: discipline, respect for others, unity, family, love… This is priceless!”
And Geovana de Oliveira, also the mother of a student from the Maringá (Paraná) branch, adds: “The Heralds of the Gospel School provides a very good preparation for the job market, as well as for life. It offers instruction based on Catholic doctrine, which emphasizes good morals and respect for others.”

“I return to Cuiabá overjoyed”
Each year an interdisciplinary school fair is carried out, in which students present what they have learned in a way that builds on individual skills and aptitudes.
The theme of the most recent fair was the great explorers’ navigations. Through models, exhibits and theatrical presentations, the students transmitted to parents and teachers some of the knowledge acquired during the year. One of the plays, for example, invited them to “travel back in time” on board a boat designed by the students.
After participating in the interdisciplinary fair of the Mount Carmel branch, Maria Cecilia Custodio, from Cuiabá (Mato Grosso State), mother of a student and a former student of the school (who is currently specializing in Mathematics at University), had this to say: “Today I had the pleasant experience of attending the presentation of the pupils here at the Heralds of the Gospel School. I was impressed! Thanks to Our Lady I always accompanied the fairs and presentations at the school where my daughter was enrolled previously, but I saw her today for the first time with a real mastery of the subject matter, being resourceful and explaining everything… She knew what she was talking about. I was so happy!”
As a consequence, she declared: “I return to Cuiabá overjoyed and, above all, comforted to know that the burden of the distance that separates us is recompensed by Our Lady. My daughter is in a good place, where she is learning more than she was in excellent schools in Cuiabá. I am truly impressed.”

“We learn the true meaning of the word conviviality”
To effectively strengthen the skills and aptitudes of students, the solid basis for a comprehensive formation, a relaxed environment imbued with affection is necessary, as teacher Geni Cortez from the Mount Carmel branch testifies: “Here the joy and fellowship is noticeable. And this joy can be perceived in all of the children, from the first to the last year.”
When this happens, the beneficiaries are not only the students, but also the teaching staff. Teacher Rita de Cássia Lopes, the educational director who has accompanied the school since its foundation in 2005, declares: “Learning is two-directional: it passes not only from teacher to student but also from student to teacher. We learn the true meaning of the word conviviality. All of these thoughts can be summed up in one expression: ‘To live is to be together, to look upon and to love one another.’ And above all, ‘to love one another.’”
She concludes: “As there is much affection here, this conviviality yields better results in learning; the students feel encouraged to achieve more in their studies.”
However, this would not be possible without the salutary influence of the Catholic Faith, the source of all true blessings, sweetness and joy. That is why Jesica Burigo, a teacher at the school in Brasilia, adds: “A parent places a child in a school like this because they want their child to be a person with Christian values, a true Catholic. I have a deep feeling of gratitude and joy for the opportunity to be there, receiving so many blessings and learning so much from the students.” ◊