More than 40 Thousand Families Make Their
Consecration to Mary
On the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, celebrated on September 8, more than 40 thousand Brazilian families began an online course of Consecration to Jesus through Mary, available free of charge on the Catholic Formation Reconquest Platform, of the Heralds of the Gospel. The course is administered by Rev. Fr. Ricardo Basso, EP (above, detail). Then, on October 12, Solemnity of Our Lady of Aparecida, Patroness of Brazil, these families made their consecration, and all participants were able to feel the supernatural presence of the Most Holy Virgin during the ceremony. Most of those who had signed up made their consecration in their homes, during the Mass celebrated by Fr. Ricardo in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, in Caieiras (SĂŁo Paulo State) and transmitted live through the Heralds of the Gospel YouTube channel. However, more than two thousand families had the opportunity to take part in on-site ceremonies held in the chapels, oratories and churches of the Heralds of the Gospel in the cities of Belo Horizone, Brasilia, Caieiras, CuiabĂĄ, Campo Grande, Campos dos Goytacazes, Cariacica, Cotia, Fortaleza, Joinville, Juiz de Fora, Lauro de Freitas, MaringĂĄ, Montes Claros, Moreno, Nova Friburgo, Piraquara, Ponta Grossa, SĂŁo Carlos and Ubatuba. In Rio de Janeiro, the act was held in the Church of St. Joseph of Lagoa.
The enthusiastic comments of participants gave eloquent testimony to the many graces received throughout the course and during the ceremonies. Many emphatically affirm that, since that day, they have felt that they are true children and slaves of love of Our Lady, and that their lives, attitudes and thoughts have no other purpose than that of being in accordance with Her, and that they desire nothing other than union with God, through the hands of His Holy Mother.
This was the first round of the consecration course, in a series that will unfold over the next few months on the Reconquest Platform.
Greece â To mark the 450th anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto, which was fought on October 7, 1571, a priest of the Heralds of the Gospel celebrated Holy Mass aboard a small vessel, in the waters of the Gulf of Lepanto, the site where this decisive combat in favour of Christendom played out.
Portugal â To mark the month of the Holy Rosary, the Heralds of Portugal visited the St. Joseph Old Age Home with the Pilgrim Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (photo 2), and the St. Raphael Continuing Care Unit where a Holy Mass was celebrated (photo 1). Both entities belong to the Holy House of Mercy of Montijo.
SĂŁo Paulo â On October 9, missionaries from the Heralds of the Gospel visited St. Francis Xavier Parish, in the cityâs north zone, to host a lecture on the Rosary, interspersed with theatrical sketches for the children who participate in catechesis. There was also a recitation of the Rosary and celebration of Holy Mass.
Colombia â On October 14, the Military Engineers of the Army consecrated themselves to the Blessed Virgin, in BogotĂĄ. Seven Generals, in addition to many officials and soldiers, and their families, participated in the Holy Mass. Afterwards, everyone took part in a procession carrying a statue of Our Lady to the command headquarters, where She was enthroned.
Guatemala â In the month of October, missionaries of the Heralds of the Gospel took the Pilgrim Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on a visit to the Margarita Cruz Ruiz Home (photo 1) and the Valle de los Angeles Orphanage (photo 2), which provides a home to approximately 175 children and youth.
Itaquaquecetuba (SĂŁo Paulo) â The pastor of the Church of Our Lady of Carmel invited the choir and orchestra of the Major Seminary of the Heralds of the Gospel to enrich the Solemnity of Brazilâs Patroness on October 12. At the end of the Holy Mass a procession was carried out through neighbouring streets, with the recitation of the Rosary and the singing of hymns.