Heralds Worldwide

In memoriam

Fr. Luis Alberto Blanco, EP

Dedicated director of “Heralds of the Gospel” magazine
and fervent priest

Deeply missed by the collaborators of this Magazine and the Heralds of the Gospel in general, on the 20th of April, the Most Reverend Fr. Luis Alberto Blanco Cortés, EP, passed away at the age of fifty-nine, after almost a year of battling the cancer that took his life.

Born in the city of Zaragoza, Spain, at eighteen years of age he joined the disciples of Dr. Plinio CorrĂȘa de Oliveira from that Iberian nation, soon standing out for his dedication in the struggles of the Catholic Cause and for his communicative joy, springing from an intense faith cultivated at the feet of Our Lady of the Pillar.

Owing to his exceptional intellectual capacity, he collaborated directly with Dr. Plinio in the elaboration of several works, which enabled him to receive a solid formation from the future founder of the Heralds, then a layman, Msgr. JoĂŁo Scognamiglio ClĂĄ Dias, with whom he always enjoyed great closeness and spiritual affinity.

Since the beginning of the Heralds of the Gospel magazine’s creation, he has steadfastly devoted himself to its organization and administration, contributing in a decisive way to making the magazine what it is today.

Ordained a priest in 2016, he exercised his ministry with zeal, especially as a dedicated chaplain of the Heralds of the Gospel’s feminine sector. ◊



Guatemala – The Easter Triduum was solemnly celebrated at the house of the Heralds of the Gospel in the Guatemalan city of San JosĂ© Pinula. The above photos offer views of the ceremonies of Holy Thursday and Easter Vigil. There was also a processional Way of the Cross, in which about four hundred people participated.

Spain – In April, missionaries visited the Parishes of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Herencia and of Cartagena, carrying the Pilgrim Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to homes, schools and commercial settings. In February, a group of one hundred and thirty people made their solemn consecration to the Blessed Virgin, in ceremonies held at the St. Mary of Grace Parish in Barcelona, and at St. John of los Panetes Church in Zaragoza.

Dominican Republic – Large numbers of people have consecrated themselves to Mary Most Holy in this country; in photo 1, a ceremony held at Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish in Santo Domingo. In photo 2, the annual pilgrimage of the Association to the Shrine of Our Lady of Altagracia, which took place on March 27.



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