Heralds Worldwide


New Parish in Brasilia

In a solemn Mass celebrated on April 27, Cardinal Paulo Cézar Costa, Archbishop of Brasília, created the Parish Jesus the Good Shepherd, and entrusted it to the Clerical Society of Apostolic Life Virgo Flos Carmeli. During the event, Fr. Lourenço Isidoro Ferronatto, EP, was installed as parish priest, and Fr. Stywart Andrey Almeida Durães, EP, as parochial vicar. Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis, Archbishop Emeritus of Aparecida, and Most Rev. Carlos Henrique Silva Oliveira, Bishop of Tocantinópolis concelebrated, along with many priests.

The new parish is located in Cidade Estrutural, one of most disadvantaged regions in the Federal District.



Under the Mantle of the Virgin of Fatima

On April 13, faithful from across the country gathered at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, in Portugal, for the 19th National Encounter of the Mary, Queen of All Hearts Shrine Apostolate. The programme began with a crowning of the Pilgrim Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Bishop Manoel Linda of Porto, and Holy Mass was celebrated. Eucharistic Adoration and the recitation of the Rosary followed, and the occasion concluded with a procession to the Chapel of the Apparitions. Participating in the event was eminent Marian preacher and promoter of the consecration as slaves of love to Our Lady, Fr. Ricardo José Basso, EP.



Spain – A new house of the Heralds of the Gospel was opened on April 11 in Cartagena, province of Murcia. Diocesan Bishop JosĂ© Manuel Lorca Planes presided over the inaugural Mass and blessed the building. The Blessed Sacrament will be reserved in the chapel of the house. Also in April, new slaves of love made their consecration to the Blessed Virgin according to the method of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, in the Church of St. Teresa and St. Joseph, in Madrid.


Peru – On April 7, Divine Mercy Sunday, members and collaborators of the Heralds of the Gospel participated in the procession held at the Lord of Divine Mercy Shrine, in Lima, which began after the Mass celebrated by Archbishop Paolo Rocco Gualtieri, Apostolic Nuncio to Peru.


El Salvador – A benefit dinner in support of the construction of the church of the Heralds of the Gospel was held April 15, at the Hilton Hotel in San Salvador. A crowning of the Pilgrim Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Archbishop Luigi Roberto Cona, Apostolic Nuncio to the country, preceded the meal, and the choir of the institution performed musical pieces.


Mexico – One hundred and eighty teachers and the administrative team of Instituto MĂ©xico, in the city of Puebla, participated in a retreat preached by Fr. JonĂĄs Venero Sananes, EP, on March 22. The sermons were on mercy, God’s forgiveness and humility. The programme concluded with Holy Mass.


Italy – On April 8, seventy devotees of the Blessed Virgin renewed their consecration according to the method of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, in the Church of San Benedetto in Piscinula, in Rome. On the feast of the Patroness of Borbiago, in the commune of Mira, the Heralds of the Gospel led the procession commemorating the apparitions of the Madonna del Pozo at the site.


Portugal – During his visit to this country to participate in 19th National Encounter of the Mary, Queen of All Hearts Shrine Apostolate, Fr. Ricardo JosĂ© Basso, EP, also celebrated a Mass at the house of the Heralds in GuimarĂŁes. On this occasion, many devotees of the Blessed Virgin renewed their consecration to Jesus through the hands of Mary, according to the method of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort.




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