Heralds Worldwide


Praises to the Divine Child

Joining the voices of the Angels who sang “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased!” (Lk 2:14), the Heralds of the Gospel performed several Christmas concerts in praise of the Child Jesus.

Their carols filled the air in Paris, France; in Madrid and Toledo, Spain; in Lisbon, Porto, Braga, GuimarĂŁes, Évora, Coimbra and Viseu, in Portugal; in Medellin, TocancipĂĄ, El Retiro and AlejandrĂ­a, in Colombia; in AsunciĂłn, EncarnaciĂłn, CaacupĂ©, Villarica, Luque, HernandarĂ­as, BenjamĂ­n Aceval, ParaguarĂ­ and CapiatĂĄ, in Paraguay; as well as in Ecuador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Mozambique.

In Brazil, the Divine Infant poured out blessings in the cities of Cotia, MairiporĂŁ and SĂŁo Carlos, SĂŁo Paulo State; in Piraquara and MaringĂĄ, ParanĂĄ State; in addition to Campo Grande, CuiabĂĄ, Montes Claros (MG) and Joinville (SC).





United States – The number of people consecrating themselves as slaves of love to the Blessed Virgin Mary is continually growing throughout the country, through the course offered free of charge by the Reconquista Catholic Formation Platform. And, to the great joy of these children of Mary, from December 14 to 19, several gatherings were organized for consecrated people, with the presence of Fr. Manuel Rodríguez, EP. In Florida, ceremonies were held at the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Good Shepherd Church in Miami; at St. Peter’s Church, in Jupiter; and at St. Agnes Church, in Key Biscayne. In California, the programme took place at the Cathedral of Christ, in Garden Grove, California.


Ecuador – On December 8, the Heralds of the Gospel participated in the procession in honour of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the Cathedral of Cuenca. On the occasion of the Christmas festivities, members of the institution celebrated and provided the music for a Mass for children with disabilities, organized by the Cuenca’s Social Action Department, and a Mass for children from the Tutupali Grande community.


Mexico – More devotees of the Blessed Virgin consecrated themselves to her as slaves of love according to the method of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort on November 18 and 26, in the Parish of Mary Queen, in Puebla, and in the Parish of St. Joseph the Worker, in Veracruz.


Christmas with the suffering – In order to carry the joy of Christmas to everyone, the Heralds of the Gospel organized several activities in December for the benefit of those who most need to feel the graces of the Child Jesus. The above photos depict a Christmas concert and visit to the sick at the Central Hospital and Ingavi Hospital of the Social Security Institute of Asunción, Paraguay; a concert at the State Penitentiary of Maringá, in Paraná; a visit with the Pilgrim Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to the Valencian city of Paiporta, Spain, the region most affected by Storm Dana; and a Christmas concert, with the delivery of basic food baskets and gifts at the Help Us Live Foundation, in Quito, Ecuador.




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