It Is Easy to Confide in Dona Lucilia!

In today’s world, we are often faced with difficulties and problems whose solutions are beyond our capabilities. In such cases, the only way forward is to pray and trust.

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. […] What is impossible with men is possible with God” (Lk 18:25, 27), declared the Divine Master. Today’s world preaches a different doctrine. Analysing facts in a naturalistic way, we are often tempted to conclude that “it is easier” to despair in the face of a problem than to seek its solution in God.

There are certainly human ills that can only be cured with supernatural remedies. But often the divine balm that can heal us seems so far away, so impossible to reach!

It is a mistake to think this way. If our needs are great, so is the solicitude of Dona Lucilia, who like a true mother and friend is always ready to intercede for us, to support and strengthen us.

Humanly unable to be a mother

As we have already had several opportunities to see in this section, the heart of this mother seems to have a special compassion for women who cannot fulfil their desire to become mothers. With special dedication, she “flies” to the aid of these souls, finding the best solution, in accordance with God’s plans.

This is confirmed by the account of one of her devotees living in Colombia:

“I am writing to you to tell you the story of a miracle obtained through Dona Lucilia’s intercession, which happened in my home and fills me with joy and blessing. My name is Lady Milena Rincón Montaño, and I live in the city of Zipaquirá, Colombia. To put the story of this miracle into context, I have to say that I am a woman who had been diagnosed with multiple myomatosis, thyroid problems and pre-diabetes, which medically constitutes a major impediment to having children.

“In addition, I had started a medical procedure to have the uterine fibroids extracted, which is why I was cruelly warned by the doctor that, due to the seriousness of my problem, the procedure would most likely have to be a total hysterectomy. On the medical form, the following was added verbatim: ‘The patient has been warned that this procedure will leave her sterile, alone and childless.’”

Composure and inner peace in the face of life’s disappointments

How should she proceed in the face of this harsh blow? Lady continues her story:

“At that moment, I felt devastated. These words caused me infinite sadness, because I could never experience the company of a child in my marriage. My husband’s name is Jesús David Contreras Gaitán. We are very dedicated to the affairs of God and the Church, and we decided to face the situation together, go ahead with the procedures and give the relevant authorizations for the surgery.”

In Dona Lucilia’s own life, resignation to God’s will was a constant. No matter how hard the trials and difficulties that came her way, she never wavered in her trust in God. Thus, in addition to the benevolent help she never fails to give her children, she seems to help them in a special way to maintain that same composure, that inner peace that was so characteristic of her in the midst of the troubles of this life.

She would soon give this help to Lady, who was immersed in the abyss of her sufferings.

Announcement of a “Lucilian” aid

She says: “On July 1, 2023, we went as a family: myself, my husband and my parents, to Sunday Mass at the Church of the Heralds in Tocancipá, where we took the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Confession.

“At that moment I opened up to the priest, telling him all about the situation I was going through, because for me it was a dream to have a child! The priest showed me a photograph of Dona Lucilia – I did not know her. He explained who she was and told me about the difficulty she faced in giving birth to her son, Dr. Plinio. He advised me to ask God in faith, through Dona Lucilia’s intercession, so that I could become a mother.”

That Sunday’s Liturgy itself would confirm God’s plan for this family, as the first reading recounted the announcement of Samuel’s miraculous birth (cf. 1 Sm 1:1-20), which the priest took as a providential sign for Lady, telling her at the end of Confession: “In a year’s time you will present your son before God.”

“Today we are full of joy, giving thanks to God and for Dona Lucilia’s intercession, enjoying the grace of being parents”
Lady Milena together with her husband and her newborn son

“I left Confession and told my husband and my mother what the priest had told me. Seventeen days later, I started to feel ill and my husband suggested that I might be pregnant. I took a test, but I did not really believe anything would come of it, because it was too traumatic for me and I did not want to delude myself again with the idea of being a mother. But to my great surprise, the test came back positive. I did a second test to confirm, and it showed the same result.”

Continuing to trust, even in the darkness!

Deeply hopeful, Lady and her husband contacted their health insurance company to make the necessary arrangements, and it appointed an excellent professional who followed the pregnancy step by step, always encouraging and supportive.

However, some time later, a cloud overshadowed their joy at becoming parents: “One day I was given an appointment with another doctor from the health insurance company, who suspected that my son had Down’s syndrome, malformations and a heart problem.”

How many times have we seen that when human prognoses seem to contradict divine ones, it is time to trust completely? Therefore, could this couple be doubtful of Dona Lucilia’s protection, given that she had already won them the most difficult grace? On the contrary! Under the shelter of her lilac shawl, they both navigated that troubling prospect and, with their gaze fixed on Heaven, saw the light shining on their path once again.

On the recommendation of her health insurance, Lady was then treated by a renowned clinic specializing in maternity care. She recounts:

“Little by little, successive tests disproved all these erroneous assumptions, and my son was born on March 3, a healthy boy, weighing three and a half kilos and measuring fifty-three centimetres.

“Today we are full of joy, giving thanks to God and for Dona Lucilia’s intercession, enjoying the grace of being parents and giving this testimony so that many may believe through God’s signs on earth.” ◊



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