Italy – Following the now-established tradition, Archbishop Francesco Moraglia, Patriarch of Venice, presided over the Mass on All Souls Day held in San Michele Cemetery, located on the island of that name. Members of the Heralds of the Gospel assisted in the ceremony. – Photo: Gianluca Signorile

Ecuador – Heralds of the Gospel missionaries carrying the Pilgrim Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary visited the parishes of St. Andrew Kim (photo 1), San José del Inca (photo 2) and San José de Minas (photo 3), in Quito. At the end of the Mass, the faithful venerated the image of the Mother of God. – Photo: Victor Tamayo / Stefano Gavilanes
Italy – Following the now-established tradition, Archbishop Francesco Moraglia, Patriarch of Venice, presided over the Mass on All Souls Day held in San Michele Cemetery, located on the island of that name. Members of the Heralds of the Gospel assisted in the ceremony. – Photo: Gianluca Signorile