Italy – Following the now-established tradition, Archbishop Francesco Moraglia, Patriarch of Venice, presided over the Mass on All Souls Day held in San Michele Cemetery, located on the island of that name. Members of the Heralds of the Gospel assisted in the ceremony. – Photo: Gianluca Signorile

Italy – Following the now-established tradition, Archbishop Francesco Moraglia, Patriarch of Venice, presided over the Mass on All Souls Day held in San Michele Cemetery, located on the island of that name. Members of the Heralds of the Gospel assisted in the ceremony. – Photo: Gianluca Signorile
Brazil – Bishop Sérgio Aparecido Colombo, head of the Bragança Paulista diocese, administered the Sacrament of Confirmation on November 13 to a hundred and sixteen members of the faithful from Our Lady of Graces Parish (photos 2 to 4). The ceremony took place, with great solemnity, in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary in Caieiras (SP). On November 5, Bishop Celso Antônio Marchiori of São José dos Pinhais Diocese (photo 1), presided over the Holy Mass at the Chapel of Our Lady of Good Counsel, in Piraquara (PR), belonging to the Heralds of the Gospel, and confirmed students and families of the institution. – Photo: Marcos Almeida