January 7

January 7

Saturday before Epiphany

Optional Memorial of St. Raymond of Penyafort, priest. Born in 1175 in Catalonia, Spain. He was a professor of canon law by the age of 20 and was renowned for his brilliance. Later, at the age of 47 he renounced all worldly honours and entered the Dominican Order, of which he became the third Superior General. In Canada, celebrated January 8th.

Mass Readings

First Reading – 1 Jn 5:14-21

Beloved: We have this confidence in God, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in regard to whatever we ask, we know that what we have asked Him for is ours. If anyone sees his brother sinning, if the sin is not deadly, he should pray to God and he will give him life. This is only for those whose sin is not deadly. There is such a thing as deadly sin, about which I do not say that you should pray. All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin that is not deadly.  We know that no one begotten by God sins; but the one begotten by God He protects, and the Evil One cannot touch him. We know that we belong to God, and the whole world is under the power of the Evil One. We also know that the Son of God has come and has given us discernment to know the one who is true. And we are in the one who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. Children, be on your guard against idols.

Responsorial Psalm – Ps 149:1-2, 3-4, 5 and 6a and 9b (R. see 4a)

R. The Lord takes delight in His people.
R. Alleluia.

Sing to the LORD a new song
of praise in the assembly of the faithful.
Let Israel be glad in their maker,
let the children of Zion rejoice in their king. R.

Let them praise His name in the festive dance,
let them sing praise to Him with timbrel and harp.
For the LORD loves His people,
and He adorns the lowly with victory. R.

Let the faithful exult in glory;
let them sing for joy upon their couches;
Let the high praises of God be in their throats.
This is the glory of all His faithful. Alleluia. R.

Gospel – Jn 2:1-11

There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and His disciples were also invited to the wedding. When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever He tells you.” Now there were six stone water jars there for Jewish ceremonial washings, each holding twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus told them, “Fill the jars with water.” So they filled them to the brim. Then He told them, “Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter.” So they took it. And when the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine, without knowing where it came from (although the servers who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter called the bridegroom and said to him, “Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one; but you have kept the good wine until now.” Jesus did this as the beginning of His signs at Cana in Galilee and so revealed His glory, and His disciples began to believe in Him.

Featured Saints

St. André Bessette

In Canada, Memorial of: St. André Bessette, religious (†1937). Member of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, he served as porter at Notre-Dame-des Neiges College in Montreal, Canada. Through his initiative, a world-famous shrine dedicated to St. Joseph was built on an elevation across from the school. (His commemoration on the General Calendar is on January 6.)

St. Cyrus, bishop (†714). Monk of Paphlagonia (northern Turkey), elected Patriarch of Constantinople. Expelled from his See, he died in exile.

St. Canute Lavard, bishop (†1137). Duke of Schleswig in Denmark, he prudently and kindly governed the principality and encouraged public piety. He was assassinated by enemies who were envious of his authority.

St. Lucian, priest and martyr (†312). He applied himself to the study of Scripture and founded the Biblical School of Antioch. He courageously gave his life as a witness to the true Faith during the persecution of Maximinus Daia.

St. Joseph Tuan Van Tran, martyr (†1862). Father of a family; beheaded in Vietnam for refusing to trample a crucifix.

Blessed Matteo Guimerà, bishop (†1451). From the Order of Friars Minor, he was deeply devoted to the adoration and exaltation of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, in Agrigento, Italy.

Blessed Ambrose Fernandez, martyr (†1620). He was admitted into the Company of Jesus in Japan and, after suffering many privations, he died for Christ in prison.

Blessed Marie Thérèse Haze, virgin (†1876). Foundress of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Cross in Liège, Belgium. She died at 99 years of age.

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