March 26

March 26

Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Lent

Mass Readings

First Reading – Dt 4:1, 5-9

Moses spoke to the people and said: “Now, Israel, hear the statutes and decrees which I am teaching you to observe, that you may live, and may enter in and take possession of the land which the LORD, the God of your fathers, is giving you. Therefore, I teach you the statutes and decrees as the LORD, my God, has commanded me, that you may observe them in the land you are entering to occupy. Observe them carefully, for thus will you give evidence of your wisdom and intelligence to the nations, who will hear of all these statutes and say, ‘This great nation is truly a wise and intelligent people.’ For what great nation is there that has gods so close to it as the LORD, our God, is to us whenever we call upon him? Or what great nation has statutes and decrees that are as just as this whole law which I am setting before you today? “However, take care and be earnestly on your guard not to forget the things which your own eyes have seen, nor let them slip from your memory as long as you live, but teach them to your children and to your children’s children.”

Responsorial Psalm – Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20 (R. 12a)

R. Praise the Lord, Jerusalem.

Glorify the LORD, O Jerusalem;
praise your God, O Zion.
For he has strengthened the bars of your gates;
he has blessed your children within you. R.

He sends forth his command to the earth;
swiftly runs his word!
He spreads snow like wool;
frost he strews like ashes. R.

He has proclaimed his word to Jacob,
his statutes and his ordinances to Israel.
He has not done thus for any other nation;
his ordinances he has not made known to them. R.

Gospel – Mt 5:17-19

Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the Kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.”

Featured Saints

Blessed Magdalen Catherine Morano, virgin (†1908). She received the habit of the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians from the hands of the holy founder. She erected many houses and schools dedicated to teaching and catechesis in Sicily, Italy.

St. Peter of Sebaste, bishop (†c. 391). The younger brother of St. Basil the Great, he was elected Bishop of Sebaste, present-day Sivas, Turkey. He valiantly defended the Faith against the Arian heresy.

St. Ludger of Münster, bishop (†809). Founded several monasteries which were converted into centres for the propagation of the Faith. He preached the Gospel in Friesland, Denmark and Saxony.

St. Bercharius, abbot (†685). He was stabbed on Holy Thursday by a monk whom he had reprimanded several times for his bad conduct. He died on Easter Sunday, after pardoning his assassin.

St. Castulus, martyr (†century unknown). It is said that as chamberlain of Diocletian he helped many Christians during the persecution instigated this Emperor; he was discovered and executed after suffering cruel torture.

St. Eutychius, martyr (†356). Subdeacon of Alexandria who died defending the Faith during the reign of Emperor Constantius.


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