October 1

October 1

Memorial of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, virgin and Doctor of the Church

St. Therese of the Child Jesus, virgin and Doctor of the Church (†1897). At a very young age she entered the Carmel of Lisieux (France), where she became a mistress of novices. Her innocence and simplicity led her to the practice of a new way of perfection: that of spiritual childhood, the “Little Way”, which she expounds upon in her writings. After her death at age 24, she quickly became a much-beloved and powerful intercessor throughout the world.

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Mass Readings

First Reading – Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23

Job opened his mouth and cursed his day. Job spoke out and said: Perish the day on which I was born, the night when they said, “The child is a boy!” Why did I not perish at birth, come forth from the womb and expire? Or why was I not buried away like an untimely birth, like babes that have never seen the light? Wherefore did the knees receive me? or why did I suck at the breasts? For then I should have lain down and been tranquil; had I slept, I should then have been at rest With kings and counselors of the earth who built where now there are ruins Or with princes who had gold and filled their houses with silver. There the wicked cease from troubling, there the weary are at rest. Why is light given to the toilers, and life to the bitter in spirit? They wait for death and it comes not; they search for it rather than for hidden treasures, Rejoice in it exultingly, and are glad when they reach the grave: Those whose path is hidden from them, and whom God has hemmed in!

Responsorial Psalm – Ps 88:2-3, 4-5, 6, 7-8 (R.3)

R. Let my prayer come before you, Lord.

O LORD, my God, by day I cry out;
at night I clamor in your presence.
Let my prayer come before you;
incline your ear to my call for help. R.

For my soul is surfeited with troubles
and my life draws near to the nether world.
I am numbered with those who go down into the pit;
I am a man without strength. R.

My couch is among the dead,
like the slain who lie in the grave,
Whom you remember no longer
and who are cut off from your care. R.

You have plunged me into the bottom of the pit,
into the dark abyss.
Upon me your wrath lies heavy,
and with all your billows you overwhelm me. R.

Gospel – Lk 9:51-56

When the days for Jesus to be taken up were fulfilled, he resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem, and he sent messengers ahead of him. On the way they entered a Samaritan village to prepare for his reception there, but they would not welcome him because the destination of his journey was Jerusalem. When the disciples James and John saw this they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?” Jesus turned and rebuked them, and they journeyed to another village.

Featured Saints

St. Nicetius of Tréveris, bishop (†561). He was, according to St. Gregory of Tours, strong in preaching, formidable in debate and constant in teaching. He suffered exile during the reign of Clothar I.

Blessed Gerard Edwards, priest and martyr (†1588). Executed in Canterbury during the anti-Catholic persecution  of Elizabeth I, together with Blesseds Robert Wilcox and Christopher Buxton, priests, and Robert Widmerpool, a layman charged with giving aid to a Catholic priest.

St. Romanos, deacon (†c. 555/565). After converting from Judaism, he was ordained a deacon and departed for Constantinople. Due to his prolific composition of hymns in praise of God and the Saints he received the appellation “the Melodist”.

St. Bavo of Ghent, monk (†c. 659). Of a noble family, he lived a dissolute youth. After hearing a sermon of St. Amand, he distributed his goods among the poor and withdrew to the Benedictine abbey in Ghent, Belgium.

Blessed Antoni Rewera, priest and martyr (†1942). For confessing the true Faith, he was deported from Poland to the concentration camp in Dachau, Germany. He endured terrible tortures and obtained the crown of martyrdom.

Blessed Luigi Maria Mónti, religious (†1900). Founder of the Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception. He died in the orphanage he had founded in Saronno, Italy.

Blessed Kaspar Hikojiro e Andrew Yoshida, martyrs (†1617). Catechists beheaded in Nagasaki, Japão, for having recieved priests in their homes.

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Friday of the 7th Week in Ordinary Time Mass...

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Thursday of the 7th Week in Ordinary Time Optional memorial...

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