October 22

October 22

Mass Readings

First Reading – Is 45:1, 4-6

Thus says the LORD to His anointed, Cyrus, whose right hand I grasp, subduing nations before him, and making kings run in his service, opening doors before him and leaving the gates unbarred: For the sake of Jacob, My servant, of Israel, My chosen one, I have called you by your name, giving you a title, though you knew Me not. I am the LORD and there is no other, there is no God besides Me. It is I who arm you, though you know Me not, so that toward the rising and the setting of the sun people may know that there is none besides Me. I am the LORD, there is no other.

Responsorial Psalm – Ps 96:1, 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10 (R.7b)

R. Give the Lord glory and honor.

Sing to the LORD a new song;
sing to the LORD, all you lands.
Tell His glory among the nations;
among all peoples, His wondrous deeds. R.

For great is the LORD and highly to be praised;
awesome is He, beyond all gods.
For all the gods of the nations are things of nought,
but the LORD made the heavens. R.

Give to the LORD, you families of nations,
give to the LORD glory and praise;
give to the LORD the glory due His name!
Bring gifts, and enter His courts. R.

Worship the LORD, in holy attire;
tremble before Him, all the earth;
say among the nations: The LORD is king,
He governs the peoples with equity. R.

Second Reading – 1 Thes 1:1-5b

Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: grace to you and peace. We give thanks to God always for all of you, remembering you in our prayers, unceasingly calling to mind your work of faith and labor of love and endurance in hope of our Lord Jesus Christ, before our God and Father, knowing, brothers and sisters loved by God, how you were chosen. For our gospel did not come to you in word alone, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with much conviction.

Gospel – Mt 22:15-21

The Pharisees went off and plotted how they might entrap Jesus in speech. They sent their disciples to Him, with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that you are a truthful man and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. And you are not concerned with anyone’s opinion, for you do not regard a person’s status. Tell us, then, what is your opinion: Is it lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or not?” Knowing their malice, Jesus said, “Why are you testing Me, you hypocrites? Show Me the coin that pays the census tax.” Then they handed Him the Roman coin. He said to them, “Whose image is this and whose inscription?” They replied, “Caesar’s.” At that He said to them, “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.”

Featured Saints

St. Donatus of Fiesole, bishop (†circa 875). Irish noble who embarked on a pilgrimage in search of perfection. He was elected Bishop of Fiesole (Italy) when he was on his way to Rome.

Sts. Nunilo and Alodia, virgins and martyrs (†851). Daughters of a Muslim father, brought up in the Catholic Religion by their mother. They refused to abandon their Faith in Christ, for which they were decapitated in Huesca, Spain.

St. Mark of Jerusalem, bishop (†second century). First Bishop of gentile origin to occupy the See of Jerusalem.

St. Albercius, bishop (†third century). Bishop of Hierapolis, in Phrygia. He is said to he travelled to many different regions announcing the Christian Faith.

St. Leothadius of Auch, bishop (†seventh century). While Abbot of Fontenelle, he was elected Bishop of Auch, France.

St. Moderan, bbot (†c. 720). Bishop of Rennes, France, and subsequently abbot of the monastery of Berceto, Italy. He was a model of love of solitude and devotion to holy places.

Blessed Luís Maria of Our Lady of Mercy, priest and martyr (†1936). Priest from the Order of Discalced Carmelites, he shed his blood for Christ during the religious persecution in Spain.

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