“Flos Carmeli, vitis florigera, splendor cæli, Virgo puerpera, singularis. Mater mitis, sed viri nescia, carmelitis da privilegia, stella maris – Flower of Carmel, blossoming vine, splendour of Heaven, Mother divine, none like Thee. Mother Mild, whom no man didst know, upon thy Carmelites favour bestow, O Star of the Sea.”
This passage from the hymn composed by St. Simon Stock holds a special significance in Spain. Indeed, if the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is already a great event in itself, in the coastal regions of that country it acquires an extra beauty in honour of the Star of the Sea.
In the 18th century, Admiral Antonio Barceló y Pont de la Terra promoted this devotion in the Armada – the Spanish navy – which he led as lieutenant-general. From then on, the former patronage of St. Elmo gave way to that of the Virgin of Mount Carmel. Later still, in 1901, She became the Patroness of the Spanish Royal Navy and of all seafarers. Even fishermen took her as their protector – without forgetting St. Peter, of course!
Since then, in the most diverse coastal regions, her devotees have held a large-scale water procession every year: the statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is carried from the church to the harbour, where it is placed on a boat which makes its way out to sea, accompanied by other decorated boats. The celebration takes on a festive air, and the sounding of the boats’ horns adds a note of grandeur and importance to the occasion.
The event aims to bless both the fishermen’s work and the mission of the valiant Spanish mariners, who honour those who have died in the waters by tossing carnations during the procession, and observing a moment of silence. What an honour to the Blessed Mother, to pass over the very spot where they surrendered their souls to God! They also sing to her the harmonious strains of the Salve Marinera, a Marian military hymn that always brings tears to the eyes when sung at these moments of honouring the fallen.

The ocean… What mysteries it holds! The greatness of those who sail it lies precisely in the uncertainty they face. Who can guarantee that they will reach dry land? As experienced as they may be, they know that, in the isolation of the high seas, they are completely abandoned to the hands of Providence.
It is in these moments of greatest human vulnerability that Our Lady presents herself to intercede for each of us before God. She is the star that lights the way, calms the storms, invigorates hearts and points to the harbour of salvation.
Because of our many sins, we would deserve to be swallowed up by the waves of divine punishment. But Mary, as our faithful Advocate, pleads on our behalf so that eternal death does not devour us, and blesses us so that our mission may be fulfilled. Under the protection of the Blessed Virgin, nothing should trouble us; She is truly the Star of the Sea. ◊