Peru – From October 5 – 9, the Heralds carried out a Marian mission in the city of Ayaviri, located in the Department of Puno, almost four thousand metres above sea level. The people received the Pilgrim Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with great enthusiasm in the cathedral, at religious houses, at public institutions and private residences, as well as in various rural communities. – Photo: Jano Aracena

Peru – Entre os dias 5 e 9 de outubro os Arautos realizaram uma Missão Mariana na cidade de Ayaviri, localizada no Departamento de Puno, a quase quatro mil metros acima do nível do mar. A Imagem Peregrina do Imaculado Coração de Maria foi recebida com grande entusiasmo na catedral, nos institutos religiosos, instituições públicas e residências, bem como em diversas comunidades rurais. – Foto: Jano Aracena
Peru – From October 5 – 9, the Heralds carried out a Marian mission in the city of Ayaviri, located in the Department of Puno, almost four thousand metres above sea level. The people received the Pilgrim Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with great enthusiasm in the cathedral, at religious houses, at public institutions and private residences, as well as in various rural communities. – Photo: Jano Aracena