Many of the faithful who visit the Gallery of Maps in the Vatican seem to have lost their way. Confused and disoriented, where will they find a principle that fills their hearts with conviction?


Many visitors to the Vatican may be surprised by the huge paintings covering from top to bottom the walls of one of its most famous rooms: the “Gallery of Maps”. In it, monumental frescoes depict the geography of islands and regions of Italy and their surroundings, but also illustrate naval events such as the Siege of Malta and the Battle of Lepanto, led by Don Juan of Austria.

Let us pause for a moment before this last scene. On the blue waters of the Ionian Sea, the fleets enter into position for close combat, while, high above, a reality beyond our carnal vision unfolds: the celestial spirits uniting with men for the victory of God!

In the very centre of these gigantic maps, serving as both their hub and host, is the city of Rome, seat of the Holy Catholic Church. The marvellous gallery thus seems to proclaim that all events of history revolve around the Bride of Christ, and that the Angels, like the one portrayed hovering above the Battle of Lepanto, use all their power to bring about the triumph of the good cause, found in its plenitude only in the Church.

However, many of the faithful who visit the Gallery of Maps today seem to have lost their way. Owing to the lamentable blending of light with darkness that the devil has managed to establish on the face of the earth, they can no longer discern where truth, goodness and beauty are. Confused and disoriented in the midst of a “lukewarm” world (Rev 3:16), they fear being vomited along with it from the mouth of the Lord.

So that this does not happen, we must learn to sentire cum Ecclesia again, following the famous maxim coined by St. Ignatius of Loyola in his Spiritual Exercises. Because those who seek to “think and feel with the Church,” becoming “one heart and one soul” with her, fill their hearts with conviction and become true members of the earthly militia, who fight shoulder to shoulder with the celestial hosts for the God’s triumph.

The Church, however, is a living institution that has as its soul the Holy Spirit himself. It does not reside in a building, in a city or in a country, but within the just!

If the breath of the Divine Paraclete moves the compass that guides the course of this Mystical Body, the elect are its needle. Especially those called to point out to humanity the will of the Most High in each age, directing it towards the complete fulfilment of His designs. Let us unite ourselves to them; let our hearts beat in unison with the pulse of the Church and thus be instruments for the victory of God and of Mary Most Holy!



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