The Divine Call Has Been Silenced

As Pope John Paul II said, today the call to conversion is questioned or passed over in silence. It is seen as an act of “proselytizing”; it is claimed that it is enough to help people to become more faithful to their own religion. What is overlooked is that every person has the right to hear the Good News of Christ.

Impelled to Help Brothers and Sisters Who Have Strayed from the Faith

Can there be, Venerable Brethren, a greater or more urgent duty than to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ (Eph 3:8) to the men of our time? Can there be anything nobler than to unfurl the “Ensign of the King” before those who have followed and still follow a false standard, and to win back to the victorious banner of the Cross those who have abandoned it? What heart is not inflamed, is not impelled to help, at the sight of so many brothers and sisters who, misled by error, passion, temptation and prejudice, have strayed from faith in the true God?

Excerpt from: PIUS XII.
Summi pontificatus, 20/10/1939

Those Living in Ignorance of God are More in Need of Our Help

Who has more need of fraternal help than those who live in ignorance of God, bound by the chains of blind passions and enslaved under the tyranny of Satan? Anyone then who contributes whatever services he can to the work of bringing the light of faith to them – and helping the work of the missions is the best means – would […] be thanking God in a particularly appropriate way for the gift of faith.

Excerpt from: BENEDICT XV.
Maximum illud, 30/11/1919

Illuminating Souls with the Light of Christ: the Most Perfect Charity

Since Christ proclaimed that the special sign of His disciples is mutual love (cf. Jn 13:35; 15:12), what greater or more perfect charity can we show our neighbours than to seek to lead them out of the darkness of error, enlightening them in the true Faith of Jesus Christ? As a matter of fact, this benefit surpasses all other works and demonstrations of charity, just as the mind surpasses the body, heaven surpasses earth, eternity surpasses time.

Excerpt from: PIUS XI.
Rerum Ecclesiæ, 28/2/1926

“To Evangelize the Poor”: the Greatest Alms

If, assuredly, the alms with which we relieve the needs of the poor are highly praised by the Lord, how much more precious in His eyes, then, will be the zeal and labour expended in teaching and admonishing, by which we provide not for the passing needs of the body but for the eternal profit of the soul! Nothing, surely, is more desirable, nothing more acceptable to Jesus Christ, the Saviour of souls, who testifies of Himself through Isaias: “To bring good news to the poor He has sent Me.” (Lk 4:18).

Excerpt from: ST. PIUS X.
Acerbo nimis, 15/4/1905

There is no True Evangelization without Conversion

For the Church, to evangelize means to carry the Good News to all the strata of humanity, to every milieu and on every latitude, and through its influence to transform humanity from within and make it new: “Now I am making the whole of creation new” (Rv 21:5). But there is no new humanity if there are not first of all new persons, renewed by Baptism and by lives lived according to the Gospel.

The purpose of evangelization is therefore precisely this interior change, and if it had to be expressed in one sentence the best way of stating it would be to say that the Church evangelizes when she seeks to convert, solely through the divine power of the message she proclaims, both the personal and collective consciences of people, the activities in which they engage, and the lives and concrete milieux which are theirs.

Excerpt from: ST. PAUL VI.
Evangelii nuntiandi, 8/12/1975

The Call to Conversion Has Been Silenced

Today the call to conversion which missionaries address to non-Christians is questioned or passed over in silence. It is seen as an act of “proselytizing”; it is claimed that it is enough to help people to become more human or more faithful to their own religion, that it is enough to build communities capable of working for justice, freedom, peace and solidarity. What is overlooked is that every person has the right to hear the “Good News” of the God who reveals and gives Himself in Christ.

Excerpt from: ST. JOHN PAUL II.
Redemptoris missio, 7/12/1990

the Duty to Evangelize is Christ’s Command

If the Church realizes what is God’s will in its regard, it will have a clear awareness of a mission received from God, of a message to be spread far and wide. Here lies the source of our evangelical duty, our mandate to teach all nations, and our apostolic endeavour to strive for the eternal salvation of all men. […] The very nature of the gifts which Christ has given the Church demands that they be extended to others and shared with others. This must be obvious from the words: “Go therefore and make disciples of nations” (Mt 28:19). This was Christ’s final command to His apostles.

Excerpt from: ST. PAUL VI.
Ecclesiam suam, 6/8/1964

The Church was Founded to Enable All Men to Share in Redemption

The Church was founded to make all men participants in the saving Redemption, and through them, placing the whole universe in relationship with Christ, spreading His Kingdom throughout the world for the glory of God the Father. All activity of the Mystical Body directed to this goal is called apostolate, and the Church carries it on in various ways through all her members. For the Christian vocation by its very nature is also a vocation to the apostolate. […]

On all Christians therefore is laid the preeminent responsibility of working to make the divine message of salvation known and accepted by all men throughout the world.

Excerpts from: ST. PAUL VI.
Apostolicam actuositatem,
decree from the Second Vatican Council,

The Church’s Evangelizing Mission Will Continue until the End of Time

The risen Jesus entrusted to His Apostles the mission of “making disciples” of all nations, teaching them to observe all that He Himself commanded. The task of proclaiming the Gospel to the whole world has thus been solemnly entrusted to the Church, the community of the disciples of the crucified and risen Lord. It is a task which will continue until the end of time. From the beginning, this mission of evangelization has been an integral part of the Church’s identity.

Excerpt from: ST. JOHN PAUL II.
Pastores gregis, 16/10/2003

The Shepherd Who Does not Win Over to Christ All those outside the Fold Fails in His Special Duty

The Church has no other reason for existence than, by spreading Christ’s Kingdom on earth, to make mankind participate in His saving Redemption. Whoever by divine commission, takes the place of Christ on earth, becomes thereby the Chief Shepherd who, far from being able to rest content with simply guiding and protecting the Lord’s flock which has been confided to him, fails in his special duty and obligations if he does not strive to win over and to join to Christ all who are still outside the fold.

Excerpt from: PIUS XI.
Rerum Eclesiae, 28/2/1926



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