To Be for Her as Elisha Was for Elijah

When Mary lives in someone, it is not She who lives, but it is Jesus Christ who lives in that someone. And to set limits to Our Lord would be truly absurd. Therefore, I should want an unlimited surrender to the Blessed Virgin.

This surrender presupposes, first of all, fervour, followed by entire veneration and tenderness.

Seen from this light, the perfect attitude is to give all, to give oneself, as a one of the demands of fervour, and as a requirement for survival itself, so as not to slacken in the spiritual life, to the point of loving the spirit that Our Lord placed in Mary, in such a way as to want to be for her as Elisha was for Elijah.

If I am entirely united to Our Lady, I will have the ineffable grace of uniting myself to Our Lord Jesus Christ.



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