What would happen if the bullets of our imaginary warrior could move themselves towards the target? What thoughts would fill the “mind” of these curious munitions?
Let us imagine a platoon made up of the most highly-skilled soldiers ever known to military history. In it we would find men of different origins and unequalled abilities: one would have the title of best marksman, another would be the most skilled in infiltrating enemy positions, and yet a third would prove invincible in hand-to-hand combat…
All would share in common the scars of the struggle, physiognomies matured by risk, victories and, above all, failures – elements that form the personality of a true fighter. And, naturally, standing at the lead of this unit of soldiers would be the “best among the best”– the commander.
If we had the honour to talk with each one of them, we would undoubtedly discover a universe of tactics and strategies learned in the heat of combat. We might consider this unit to be indestructible on any battlefield to which they were summoned, given the excellent formation and character of its members.
Now, these soldiers, despite their excellent training, would never advance into combat without adequate arms. To do so would be reckless, for every soldier, no matter how well-trained, needs weapons and ammunition to succeed.
Despite their excellent training, these soldiers would never advance into combat without adequate arms
Ammunition… with a will of its own?
Let us now imagine a fearless fighter who, carrying a rifle, accurately aims at a certain target and discharges his weapon. When the projectile exits the muzzle, it does nothing other than obey the will of the operator, speeding towards the target without the least deviation.
However, what would happen if, by some absurdity, the bullets of our good warrior thought and moved on their own? What cogitations would fill the “mind” of such munitions? We could raise several hypotheses in this regard…
Maybe some daring bullets, at the moment of being launched, would enthusiastically consider the honour they might obtain if, by hitting the target, they managed with their impact to decide the outcome of the battle! Others, of a nature more inclined to admiration, would feel immense joy in serving an experienced artilleryman, and would blindly trust in his infallible aim.
But it is also possible that a certain type of ammunition would end up questioning the soldier’s wise aim, and would decide to deviate from the route he set to hit another “more suitable” target, according to its own ill-advised criteria… Other bullets, full of fear and insecurity, would perhaps give up along the route towards their goal. Still others would think that their objective was too distant and undefined and, at the very moment of the rifle’s firing, they might say: “Ah, it would be better to fall to the ground as soon as exiting the rifle, so as not to run the risk of making it only halfway…”
What a great defeat would be suffered by the soldier who had ammunition like the latter at his disposal…
We are weapons of the heavenly host!
This simple metaphor could well be applied to the individual situation of each person.
Since the expulsion of our first parents from terrestrial Paradise, human life has become a constant warfare (cf. Job 7:1): the children of light battle against the children of darkness, and the race of the Virgin against the race of the serpent. It is a fight, not only to win eternal happiness, but also for the definitive triumph of God in history, that is, for the establishment of that which we so eagerly beseech in the Our Father: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”

In this fierce war, we who live on earth are God’s artillery!
Our Lady, the Angels and the Saints in Heaven, who make up the Church Triumphant, need to unite with us, the Church Militant, to make the cause of good triumph in time. And if they guide us in this glorious battle, we must be docile instruments in their hands. How?
First of all, through watchfulness! Like the “bullets” of the metaphor, we are endowed with reason and will. What is our reaction to God’s designs, often manifested so clearly to us? How often does Our Lady, or our faithful Guardian Angels, await our obedience to the counsels and inspirations they whisper in the depths of our souls?
Let us be attentive so as to hear them and, in the manner of ever-faithful “bullets”, let us obey without the least hesitation! Even if we do not understand the reason for the orders received or feel the desire to flee because of the sacrifices demanded, grace will never fail us. Sooner or later everything will become clear to us, if not in this life, certainly in the joys of eternity.
“Love is strong as death”
This is precisely how the Saints acted during their earthly existence: through the practice of the virtue of charity, they abandoned themselves into the hands of the Supreme Marksman. They knew that true victory can only be won when the human will, with the help of grace, is conformed to God’s: “Nothing should be done that is not in accord with God’s plans, obeys His orders and follows the bidding of His grace. […] We were born to obey His determinations.”1
If, however, our fragile will is weakened by past failures and faults, let us not allow ourselves to be discouraged. There is a supreme remedy for our weakness: love!2 It “is strong as death […] Its flashes are flashes of fire, a most vehement flame” (Sgs 8:6).
Faced with our deficiencies and failures, we must remember that love is the supreme remedy for human weakness
From within our nothingness, let us lift our eyes with awe to Him who is our most loving Father, our affectionate Guide, our eternal Hope. Then, we will see how He mercifully gazes upon us, and how ready He is to restore us completely!
Let us love Him with all our hearts, and soon the Angels will carry us on their wings, the Saints will take us by the hand, and all our criteria, our self-will, and our non-compliance will be consumed by the most pure flames of this transforming love! ◊