Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord
On this Solemnity of the Epiphany, the Holy Magi shine before our eyes with special brilliance. The pious adventure of these idealistic, courageous and faith-filled men is a true parable of the journey of every baptized person. In fact, they were eagerly awaiting some great event that would give meaning to their lives; they were therefore far from being complacent and mediocre people, incapable of raising their sights beyond the horizon of a banal existence.
That is why, when they saw the mysterious star appear, they enthusiastically left their homeland, their comfort and security, to set off on a long and arduous journey, guided by this star which, with its supernatural light, led them through deserts, valleys and mountains towards a marvellous goal: God Himself made Man, the King of kings and Lord of lords, surrounded by the holiest, most sublime and prestigious courtiers in history: Our Lady and St. Joseph.
We are also called to undertake a holy epic
All the faithful, in one way or another, are also called to leave their homeland in order to travel the arduous and glorious road that will lead them to Heaven. We must live in the same state of spirit as the Holy Kings.
We were not born for this world and so we must renounce any attachment that binds us to it in a disordered way, so as to predispose our spirits to undertake the holy epic of faith. The Word of God will be our luminous guide in the night of our pilgrimage, so that in reference to us, also, the prophet Isaiah can exclaim: “For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, […] but the Lord will arise upon you” (60:2).
However, it is worth considering that the journey of the Magi included trials. The greatest of these was undoubtedly their passage through Jerusalem. There, contrary to what they expected, they did not find the Saviour of the world, but the impostor Herod surrounded by a corrupt elite who would, over the years, become the Messiah’s staunchest opponents. In this context, the star disappeared, and the dense night of disappointment and apparent contradiction enveloped them.
The trial of Catholics today
Catholics today also go through terrible periods in which the light that seemed to shine so brightly is eclipsed. Sometimes they are beset by temptations or inner aridity. But the greatest pain consists in realizing with perplexity that the visible face of the New Jerusalem, the Holy Church, our almost adored Mother, is being deformed.
Yes, to see the Bride of Christ disfigured by the sins of unworthy children, to the point where they seem to mockingly renege the ideals of holiness set out by her most loving Spouse, cuts to the heart. However, even in these conditions, the faithful are able to distinguish, through the secret instinct granted by the Holy Spirit, the truth that still resonates, just as the Magi were able to discern on the lips of the scribes that in Bethlehem the promise would be fulfilled.
Once the trial was over, the Kings went on their way. The star began to shine again, hope was renewed and they arrived at the City of David. There they adored the Newborn, beholding – with the eyes of faith – in that Little One, the immense and majestic God. We too, led by the shining star of the Gospel and having fought to the end, will reach Heaven, where we will receive an immeasurable prize: the heavenly company of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in the eternal vision of God. ◊