Who Is My True Friend?

When they were about to leave, the young man had a brilliant idea: “I know! I’ll take my two friends with me!” How would each of them act in the difficulties on the battlefield?

Sveglia the Rooster crowed, announcing the dawn of another day on the farm of Signor Francesco Belincaza:

“Cock-a-doodle-doo! Rise and shine, my friends! The sun is showing us the way! A fine day awaits us!”

“Moooooo!” protested Arabella the cow. “Not so fast! You are off to a head start as usual. It is still much too early.”

Clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop! The elegant horse Bonifacere arrived on the scene.

“Now, now, none of this lying about!” he declared. “It’s high time to be up! Duty is calling. Also, I heard that today we will hear an important announcement about something that… I did not understand very well.”

“Bow-wow-wow!” barked Fido, the family dog. “What is it about? Will it be good news or bad?”

“I really can’t say. We will have to wait for the farmer to tell us what is going to happen,” replied Bonifacere.

Bonifacere told everyone the news: “Today we will hear an important announcement…”

Soon the farmyard was a picture of activity, as all the animals got on with the daily routine while awaiting the announcement. Finally, at about 8 a.m. Signor Francesco rang a little bell, assembling them all.

“Good morning, all. Is everything in order here? I have some excellent news for you. Tomorrow is the birthday of my dear grandson Filippo who is turning eighteen. I want to give him a birthday gift straight from the heart, so I will let him choose two animals from my farm.”

All the animals broke into a cheerful “symphony” of barking and braying and crowing. The farmhands then arrived to help tidy up the area and get the animals looking their very best.

What a day of expectation! Who would be chosen? While they would miss the old patriarch, the farmer, they also loved his grandson and would be happy to experience a change.

The night flew by. The next morning the farm was in perfect order, decked out and filled with visitors. Many fellow farmers and long-time friends of the family crowded at the homestead to commemorate Filippo Belincaza’s eighteenth birthday. After a gusty rendition of “Happy Birthday”, the gifts were brought in. At this moment the grandfather took his grandson by the arm and said:

“Pippo, my boy, the future is yours! I want to give you two of my animals for your very own. In this way, slowly but surely, you will turn into a great farmer like your grandfather!”

Filippo was deeply touched by his grandfather’s gesture of passing down the family tradition and followed him outside to see the animals. It was a difficult choice, for they all looked so fine! But he finally opted for the horse and the dog.

After a few days of adaptation, the animals were happily settled in with their new owner. Fido was an enthusiastic and constant companion, loyal and ready to serve, who defended the house and brought joy to his master. Bonifacere was a little more formal, for he stayed outside the house. However, he proved his worth by winning competitions, getting the best medals, and providing leisure hours of galloping over the countryside.

The years went by; Filippo celebrated other birthdays, and took on new responsibilities. The animals gradually began to take a secondary place in his life. But while they did not receive as much attention as they did in the early years, the mutual affection still remained.

One day, when Fillipo was 28 years old, an army conscription notice was posted in the city for all men from 18 to 50 years of age to register for military service for the war that was raging. The national army had lost a great number of men in combat. The conditions of army life were uncertain and difficult, and each man was to bring only the bare essentials with him. They would leave for the front in a week.

The young man and his parents read the announcement in shock. Signor Cesare Belincaza, father of Filippo and son of Signor Francesco, was within the age limit to be drafted, but due to poor health he would not be able to join the army. Filippo, however, would have to go.

With an aching heart, but ready to defend the country of his birth, he went to pack his bags.

There was the question: what to take? He knew he could not carry much… He looked over his belongings and thought: “Books? I won’t have time to read. Paper and pen? Yes, those are important for writing home. Clothing? I will be issued a uniform at the front.”

When he was ready to leave, he had an idea: “I know! I’ll take Bonifacere with me! He’s quick and clever and will be a good combat horse! I’ll also take Fido; he’ll know how to defend me from danger and I can teach him how to ferret out the enemy and the land mines.”

Filippo bid his parents, siblings, and grandfather Francesco farewell and left.

During the trip, the two animals spoke together.

“Well, Fido, are you ready for war?”

“Oh, Bonifacere! Having reached this ripe old age, I never imagined I would now have to learn to face danger.”

“Yes,” continued his friend. “And I am only a common riding horse. But on with it, Fido! Let’s do it to help Filippo!”

“Yes, I will give my very best for him!” concluded the dog.

When they came to the battlefield, the sight was appalling. What a fight! Filippo leapt onto Bonifacere’s back and bravely entered the fray. Fido also joined in, and whenever one of the enemies got close to his master, he fought him off ferociously. Things went on in this manner until the fighting got more serious: defence was no longer enough; it was necessary to attack! In the meantime, bombs were bursting, and the air was filled with noise and smoke. Undaunted, Bonifacere lunged ahead, his owner on his back. But Fido wavered… Suddenly he darted off and took shelter in a hide-out. What kind of a friend abandons his companion at the hardest moment?

Filippo and Bonifacere returned from the war with awards for bravery. But Fido crept back in shame, without so much as a scratch…

When the war finally came to an end, Filippo returned home with medals for bravery pinned to his uniform. Bonifacere also came away with badges of recognition awarded him by the army. However, the real greatness of both was shown in the battle scars that marked their bodies, proof that they had exposed themselves to danger for their country. Fido, however, crept back to his kennel, tail between his legs, with not so much as a scratch…

Dear reader, who was Filippo’s real friend after all? In good times, both animals provided happiness and leisure. But later, only one of them was ready to suffer with him.

Never forget: our best friends are not always the ones who say pleasant words to us, who are amusing company in good times, and who are faithful when all goes well. A real friend is at your side when times are difficult and stays with you to give you strength and encouragement in whatever battles life may bring. When you find a person like this, then you can say: “I have a true friend!” ◊



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