An act of kindness, a reproach or a word of encouragement may well be the “little stone” that will make it possible for my neighbour to reach the “mountain peak” of his spiritual life.
The Creator not only gifted the Brazilian nation with a vast territory, but also with an array of natural wonders. Among them we find the Pico das Agulhas Negras (Black Needles Peak), located on the border between the states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais.
A palpable experience of angelic presence
At 2,791 metres of altitude, it stands out proudly on the horizon, as if declaring a challenge: “Come! Ascend me if you can! On my peak is the purest air, the most dazzling sun and an incredibly beautiful panorama! Come and sense the satisfaction of contemplating everything from above! Come and immerse yourself in reflections that only the heights can offer!”
Over the years, intrepid hearts, even bigger than the towering mountains, have accepted the bold challenge to climb to its peak and, indeed, the end result is not disappointing! There, one experiences the almost palpable presence of Angels, who certainly abound on those rugged summits, singing and praising God.
And while it serves as a lookout to admire the staggering grandeur of creation, the Black Needles Peak also urges us to give thanks to the Creator. The panorama from its summit may be vast and formidable, but, as the Angelic Doctor teaches, “the good of grace in one is greater than the good of nature in the whole universe.”1 The reality that inhabits the human soul in a state of grace is immeasurable!
Only the most daring accept the challenge…
Those who accept the challenge to ascend the Black Needles Peak should prepare themselves for an arduous climb. Steep paths, rivulets, trees, crevices and stretches full of hazards await you along the way. To overcome so many difficulties, one must put all physical forces into play, never lose heart and never deviate from the goal.
At a certain point of the hike, the climber no longer faces the famous forks in its trails, but a fearsome rock wall… Everything seems to be lost for those who easily give up in the face of obstacles.
Only the most daring will be able to climb it. And these, without knowing yet what will be found further ahead, leap upon the rocks, eager to achieve the desired goal.

A small “bridge” brings us to the summit
At the beginning of the climb, everything goes relatively well. However, arriving at the highest point of the ice-cold rock face, a desperate obstacle arises: a wide gap between two rocks that, for the more “prudent” spirits, may indicate the end of the journey.
There is nowhere to stand, nor enough space to pick up momentum and jump. The only plausible solution in the face of this apparent impasse would seem to be to give up and go back. How unfortunate! Three hours of hard effort, and being one step from the top, it cannot be reached…
In fact, it would be impossible to complete the climb on such a path if there were not, slightly below the large span, a small rock – perhaps the smallest of all the others in sight – which serves as a “saving hyphen” for the climber to overcome the challenge!
A stone like this might seem insignificant in the midst of such a colossal panorama. However, it is the key to reaching the peak! Its position and size serve as a bridge to overcome the insurmountable obstacle, allowing one to reach the apex of the adventurous journey.
Beloved instruments of Divine Providence
On our return home, we stopped for a few moments in the chapel to pray. Kneeling in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, the experiences of the trip sprang to mind and, together with them, a valuable lesson.
That small rock taught us that when it comes to reaching a daring goal, the importance of the instruments that help us to get there does not depend on their size, but on the value that God has been pleased to give them. And this applies to both rocks and men.
It is not our physical, intellectual or social stature that makes us capable of supporting and elevating to the supernatural plane the souls of those around us. For though we may be like insignificant rocks lying in a ditch on the way, we can have a great and even indispensable role in helping a neighbour reach his “Black Needles Peak”.
At times, God decides to use something as simple as a smile, an act of kindness, a reproach or a word of encouragement at the right moment to be the “little stone” that enables our neighbours to overcome the difficulties that separate them from the top of the spiritual mountain.
Souls who rejoice in helping others to climb are the beloved instruments which Divine Providence uses to write the most beautiful pages of history. The most sublime example among them is Our Lady. Having gone to help her cousin St. Elizabeth and, after occasioning the sanctification of St. John the Baptist yet in his mother’s womb, she sang: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for He has regarded the low estate of His handmaiden. For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed” (cf. Lk 1:46-48) ◊
1 Cf. ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, Summa Theologiæ. I-II, q.113, a.9, ad 2.