Admirable Contemplation, Restorative Penitence

After her repentance, St. Mary Magdalene began to clearly represent two united virtues: contemplation and penitence.

Contemplation, in contrast with her sister, in the famous episode in which Our Lord says to Martha: “Mary has chosen the good portion and it will not be taken from her” (Lk 10:42).

Therefore, she began to represent pure contemplation – not that which is united to the active life, but an entirely contemplative state.

At the same time, in view of her exceptional repentance and her fidelity at the foot of the Cross, and the fact that she was the first to receive news of Our Lord’s Resurrection, she represented in His glorification, in a state of greater forgiveness, of greater of intimacy with the Divine Master, not only contemplation but also penance. Indeed, the example of her life and that of other saints prompts some theologians to affirm that the way of penitence – a serious, profound penitence – is even more beautiful than that of innocence.



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