HGM151 - May 2020

Reborn in the Heart of Mary

T he Paraclete was united to Mary in such an intimate and profound way that they formed, so to speak, one single spirit; the Comforter...

The History of a Magnificent Cathedral

The centuries-old See of Cologne has a story line similar to that of the Church itself. Like the latter, it has passed through difficult...

A World without Kindness

Desolate, Rose sat down on a rock near the castle’s entrance and began to sob inconsolably. Suddenly, she felt a hand rest upon her...

Church and World Events

Notícias: cortesia de gaudiumpress.org   Católicos devem expressar seu descontentamento pela não reabertura dos templos Dom Dominique Rey, Bispo de Fréjus-Toulon, na França, publicou um vídeo no...

“Let your light shine before men”

Of the countless favours dispensed by Divine Providence through Dona Lucilia’s intercession, I would like to narrate a few more below, so that, seeing...

We Are God’s Artillery!

What would happen if the bullets of our imaginary warrior could move themselves towards the target? What thoughts would fill the “mind” of these...

Staying Home, in Our “Domestic Church”

The hustle and bustle of today’s routine means that we often fail to give due importance to family life. Why not take advantage of...

St. Joan of Lestonnac – The Ignatian Spirit in a Lady

Animated by the same zeal that led St. Ignatius of Loyola to constitute his work, Joan of Lestonnac founded the Company of Mary, in...

The Merciful Gaze of Mary

In front of a statue of Our Lady Help of Christians, Dr. Plinio was “contemplated” by Mary’s merciful and compassionate gaze. The grace he...

Divine Music of Marian Harmonies

Commenting on the Hail Holy Queen in his most recent book, Msgr. João unveils something of the Reign of Mary, that historical era in which...

Jesus’ Unsurpassed Divine and Human Love

Ao despedir-Se dos discípulos na Última Ceia, Nosso Senhor lhes externa auges do amor de seu Sagrado Coração, revelando o quanto quer a cada um não somente enquanto Deus e Redentor, mas também como amigo e irmão.

Faith and Science, Church and State

One hundred years ago, with prophetic insight, St. Pius X analysed a dangerous fallacy: if the Church is born from the religious conscience of individuals, it...