HGM172 - February 2022

Truly Queen

Mary of Good Success is Queen in the true sense of the word. She has majesty and, at the same time, goodness. She is a warrior...

While the King Sleeps…

Vigilance is a characteristic note of the lioness’ protective and maternal instinct, which makes her as fierce in defence as in attack. However, in...

Where Will I Live?

Standing sorrowfully before the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Manuel unburdened his soul. Nothing in his life had ever worked out... Burying...

Church and World Events

Statue of the Blessed Virgin left intact in tornado’s wake While the world has been struck by numerous natural disasters in recent months, the...

Heralds Worldwide

Spain – As has become tradition, Herald members and co-operators from various Spanish cities gathered on December 18 in Zaragoza to express with a...

A Lady from Better Times

Dona Lucilia, with seriousness and firmness, rejected the so-called “modern” mentality, whose final and bitter fruits we still taste today. In her view, accepting...

A Ship Without a Commander?

The past offers examples of the disasters met by those who preferred to rely on their own strength rather than the help of a...

Blessed Humbeline of Jully – To Love Is to Serve… Always Smiling!

For this exemplary girl of spirited temperament and abundant natural qualities, the matrimonial path seemed to be the one by which she would reach...

Public Opinion and Key Men

Speaking about the important role of tendencies and of ideas in the confrontation between the Revolution and Counter-Revolution, Dr. Plinio analyses the power of Public...

Some Sophisms of the Contemporary World – I let the reader choose the title of this article

Many construct false syllogisms with the explicit intention of deceiving. Even more dangerous, however, are those who become propagators of error without realizing it....

The Holy Lady Who Will Not Enter Heaven

When God asks that we give up something good, He later repays it in abundance. Therefore, those who know how to be “poor in...

The Peace of Christ and the Peace of the World

Our Lord said: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.”...