I was sad because of my past conduct, my sins of pride, my weaknesses, and so on. It was at that moment that Jesus came.
He said to me: […] “Your present imperfections, your past faults, cannot displease Me as long as you detest them. Use them to lift yourself up to Me. For when you knew how to humble yourself, I came running to you. Humble yourself again, continually, always. I want you to be very humble. Rejoice in the fact that you can do nothing by yourself, especially since this incapacity places you in the sweet obligation of always being united to my Divine Heart, through love, gratitude and prayer.
“Rejoice in being nothing of yourself, because this deficiency places you in greater dependence on your beloved Master, whom you love above all else, my dear Yvonne… above all else, more than yourself, is it not true?
“Yes, I pity your weakness, because you have good will… because you know how to fight, to forgive generously, because you know how to lower yourself profoundly.
“I will fill you with my light, I will flood you with my consolations, I will clothe you with my strength, but I will also give you suffering.
“I like to see those I love engaged in struggle. It will be intimate suffering, hidden suffering, so that I may be your only comforter. Creatures will not always understand you… but I will be there! They will persecute you, contradict you… they will doubt you, but I will comfort you. […] And you will be a saint.”
Jesus took my head, drew it close to His Heart and then, straightening Himself, said: “But […] do not torment yourself.”
Biographie d’Yvonne Aimée de
Malestroit (1901-1951).
Paris: François-Xavier de Guibert,
1999, v.II, p.49