Queen of Peace and Joy

St. Mary of Jesus Crucified once said: “Obedience is to the soul what wings are to a bird. How unhappy are those who do not sacrifice all to obedience: their desire, their will, all that they hold dear. If they do not make this sacrifice, they will never see God. The soul that obeys God, obeys the superior, and is the queen of peace and joy. By the same token, the soul that does not obey God does not obey the superior, and becomes the queen of confusion and agitation. […]

Submission and obedience are two candles that illuminate the soul in the darkness… It is precisely at dark and terrible moments that it is necessary to let oneself be led by obedience. It is necessary to obey always, to submit self will to that of the superiors. Second intentions are unnecessary. God does not like a soul that does not obey, that does not submit its judgement. It is not necessary to bargain with Jesus. If you do something for Him, do it whole-heartedly, for He does not like half-terms. A soul who does not give Him all is a tepid soul, and Jesus vomits it from His mouth.”

ESTRATE, Pierre. “O pequeno nada” [The Little Nothng].
São Paulo: Cultor de Livros, 2014, p.298



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