Rejoice, O Souls Who Love Jesus!

Rejoice, therefore, O souls who love Jesus. “Ecce sponsus venit – Behold the Bridegroom comes” (Mt 25:6). Bridegroom of this entire pious work of the interests of the Heart of Jesus, which began in the hovels of the poor, continued with the salvation of abandoned orphans, expanded with the evangelical Rogation of His Divine Heart, and with the Daughters of Divine Zeal of His Heart.

Heavenly and chosen Spouse of every soul that in these humble institutes remains pure by the grace of the Lord, and has a spark of love for Jesus, the Supreme Good, with a continual desire and effort to progress in this divine love. Beloved Spouse of every soul which, in these institutes, understands and corresponds to its purpose, that is, charity and zeal, taking a lively interest in all the interests of the Most Hoy Heart of Jesus, especially so that the Holy Church may flourish in all holiness and in the salvation of souls, through the multiplication of chosen priests, incessantly imploring divine goodness for them, and making them intercede for all, in obedience to this divine command: “Rogate ergo Dominum messis, ut mittat operarios in messem suam – pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest” (Mt 9:38).

Circular letter to the community, 12/5/1911



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